The Unseen Trilogy

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Book: The Unseen Trilogy by Stephanie Erickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Erickson
surrounded by music.” I paused, trying to picture myself living there. “Come to think of it, there’s nowhere really for me to play, if I did move in here.”
    “We would find a way to accommodate your recreational playing. But if you decide to work here, it would mean giving up a career in music therapy.”
    Hearing it out loud made me cringe. It didn’t feel right. “Sell it to me. I’m not sure you understand what you’re asking me, and I deserve a thorough explanation before making such a tough decision.”
    “That’s fair. Learning to master your gift will take all of your energy and focus. This place is rent free, and all your expenses will be covered when you live here, but there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and dedicating yourself to the process is the price you would pay to be here.”
    “All my expenses would be covered? What exactly does that mean?” I asked.
    “If you need something, ask and it will be provided.”
    His ask-and-ye-shall-receive answer was a little unbelievable and creepy too. Where did all of the money come from? I was quiet for a moment, and then I said, “Not to be greedy, but is there a salary on top of this all-expenses-paid gig, or is it just a blank check kind of deal?”
    “I suppose technically there is no salary. As I said, if you need something, you will have it.”
    I sat back in my chair, unsure if a legitimate business could actually run like that. “It sounds too good to be true, until I think about the sacrifices you’re asking me to make… particularly since I have so little to go on.”
    “I’m sorry to be the one to make you choose.”
    I shook my head, tears suddenly threatening. I felt like I had come close to finally understanding who I was, and now it was being snatched away from me. “I don’t understand why everyone is always trying to come between me and my dream. It seems like my friend Maddie and the professors at FSU are the only ones who believe in me.”
    He looked at me with a lot more sympathy than I would have expected to get from a total stranger, almost like his heart was breaking for me. “I’m sorry to put you in such a difficult position. Unfortunately, life is a series of difficult choices— which school to attend, which man to marry, whether or not to have kids, then how many kids to have, where to raise them, where to send them to school. All of these decisions have the power to alter the course of your life. As in this case, neither choice is necessarily right or wrong. But it is one you will have to live with for the rest of your days. It shouldn’t be taken lightly.”
    I felt like he’d just laid a hundred tons of bricks on me. “First of all, I just met you. I’m not sure I need a lecture on life lessons.”
    I looked deep into his steel eyes, demanding an actual answer to my next question. “How can I choose between something I’ve been reaching for my whole life and something so unlikely I never even dared to hope for it?”
    “Only you can decide which path your feet should follow.”
    Um, okay, Rafiki.
    He seemed confused by my thought, but he didn’t press me. “Why don’t you think about everything and come back another time?”
    Taking that as my cue to leave, I stood, disappointed that this opportunity to gather information about the Unseen had ended, but relieved to be free of the pressure to make an immediate decision.
    “Fine,” I said. “Nice to meet you?” I phrased it more like a question, not really sure what was socially acceptable to say to the leader of a group of mind readers.
    “It was an absolute pleasure to finally meet you, Mackenzie.” He smiled, like he meant it more than I did. A lot more than I did. “I do hope to see you again soon.”
    My only response was to nod and walk out of his office.
    Owen was waiting for me.
    “How’d it go?” he asked.
    “Could’ve been better. I’m sure it could’ve been worse, but I can’t imagine how at the moment.”
    We were alone in the

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