She Shouldnt, But She Will

Free She Shouldnt, But She Will by Francis Drake

Book: She Shouldnt, But She Will by Francis Drake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Francis Drake
breasts, latex pressed insistently against her butt. Her mind was awash with excitement.
    Thia was about to turn and climb on Derek when he forced her to bend over. He placed his penis at the opening of her channel, and then stopped. “Are you sure you want this?”
    Was she sure? Was he crazy ? She pushed against him, forcing the bulbous crown of his penis into her pussy.
    “I’ll take that as a yes,” he said, sounding amused. He pulled out.
    Her knuckles whitened where she grasped the chair. Blood roared in her ears and her heart hammered. She had to have him.
    With each ram, Derek entered a little deeper. Thia was out of control. Each thrust forced her open a little farther, stretching her and making her ache for more. Her breath hung in her throat. She turned her head, trying to see the man driving her out of her mind, rocking in rhythm with each assault.
    On the edge of oblivion, she became aware of a finger moving between her butt cheeks. It penetrated. He wouldn’t.
    Even as her instinct was to pull away, the intensity of their lovemaking kept her pushing back, not escaping. She moaned through a particularly deep move, and at the same time something accessed her ass.
    Ohgod. Ohgod!
    Derek’s arm was wrapped around her stomach, a reminder she was safe and supported on this planet at the same time his body drove her to other wild, sensory places. Then he moved his hand down and placed a finger—one finger—on her clit. He pressed hard and she bucked back against him. Hard, satisfied grunts came from behind her.
    He thrust harder, faster, until Thia’s mind blanked. Sensation overpowered everything and she let herself go, being pounded in her pussy, prodded in the ass, her clit held so tightly until she couldn’t think—
    Lights flashed behind her eyelids. With her whole body in spasm, her breathing stopped, and she might have passed out. She wasn’t aware of anything except the explosion that started in that secret, inner place and followed the paths of nerves to overpower her senses.
    Finally, when the fog began to clear, Derek drove her into the chair, taut and rigid against her. When he sucked in a breath they fell back onto the pilot’s bench seat, Thia on his lap where she sat until they both were in control again.
    She collapsed on his chest, boneless and sated. No one had ever made her feel this good.
    “Oh, baby. That was good . ” He nibbled her earlobe.
    “If I had an ounce of energy, I’d say, do that again.”
    “If I had an ounce of energy, you wouldn’t be able to stop me.”
    Her gaze drifted to the shoreline dotted with homes. “Someone might have seen us if we hadn’t been in here.”
    “Mm-hm. With binoculars they might have had quite a show.” He leaned forward to see her face, a hint of amusement shining in his eyes. “Why you little exhibitionist. You want that!” Heat brushed her face and he smiled. “We can do it outside or anywhere you like on the way back. If we come after dark and leave the lights on, we’d be even more visible.”
    “When do we leave?” She stopped, thinking of what she’d said. “Wait, that’s not what I meant.”
    “Liar!” he said with a laugh.
    They sat quietly for a long time, her head on his shoulder, his hands lightly caressing her breasts. When they rose, Derek put on his bathing suit to run a check of the yacht, but when she picked up hers, he stopped her.
    “You don’t need that yet.”
    For the rest of the trip, she enjoyed the luxury of going naked. To her surprise, she was comfortable. For the first time since the end of her marriage, which had started long before Henry died, Thia was more than comfortable—she lost herself in warmth and safety.
    * * * *
    She had just started to doze when a loud buzzer startled her. “What’s that?”
    “We’re getting close to Monterey.”
    She laughed. “I’d almost forgotten we were going there.”
    Gathering her clothes, she headed to her stateroom to freshen up. When she

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