Heart of Dixie - Tami Hoag (1)

Free Heart of Dixie - Tami Hoag (1) by Tami Hoag

Book: Heart of Dixie - Tami Hoag (1) by Tami Hoag Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tami Hoag
the ever-changing hues of indigo, aquamarine, slate, turquoise. It was beautiful and he guessed it wouldn't hurt to walk along and enjoy it a little bit as he tried to pry some answers out of Dixie. He leaned down and grabbed a stick of driftwood and tossed it up the beach. Abby hobbled out from under one of the cottages to go after it, tail wagging happily.

    On the porch of the northernmost cottage a bare-chested man with long blond hair crouched, pointing and staring off into the distance. Jake's step faltered a little. The guy was built like an all-star wrestler and had a face that belonged on a slab of granite. "That's Fabiano," Dixie said. "Doing his t'ai chi. He claims it's a balm to the soul."

    "So I've heard. I used to know a major who swore by it."

    "What about you?"

    "My soul doesn't need soothing. I run out all the kinks. What about you?"

    Dixie's step faltered as she looked up at Jake. There was a genuine concern in his eyes. He wasn't just asking to be polite; he really wanted to know. He studied her with those steady eyes, waiting. Maybe he wasn't just another pretty face. Maybe she hadn't been fair in labeling him as shallow, concerned only with surface appearances.

    She was on the verge of giving him an answer when Fabiano spotted them. He broke his meditation, leaped off the porch and charged toward them, his long hair flying behind him, his dark eyes burning as bright as a zealot's.

    Jake turned toward Dixie, ready to fling her aside and protect her. The madman coming at them loomed larger and larger. He was dressed in skintight black leather knee breeches and a wide leather belt he had undoubtedly cut from the hide of a woolly animal. He came to an abrupt stop two feet from Dixie, reaching a hand behind him like a pirate going for a knife. Jake stepped between them, bracing his broad shoulders back, estimating how best to take the other man out without hurting him badly. Fabiano had the size advantage, which made a couple of well-placed kicks seem the best way to go. He spoke to Dixie over his shoulder in a tight voice. "Run for the house. Call 911."

    Her tinkling laughter almost broke his concentration. She slipped around him, insinuating herself between the two men, and gave the hulking giant a bright smile.

    "Morning, Fabiano. Don't mind Jake here. I think you kinda took him by surprise," she said. "Jake is staying for a few days."

    The big man eyed Jake severely, looking for flaws, then smiled slyly at Dixie and winked, bringing bright dots of color to her cheeks.

    "Is good," he said with a thick indeterminate accent. "'Bout time."

    Dixie raised up on tiptoe, trying to fix him with her most pointed look. "Was there something in particular you wanted?"

    He ignored her and held out a meaty hand to Jake. "Fabiano. To meet with you is good, Jake." He tilted his big shaggy head at Dixie, grinning. "Our Dixie, she's some cookie, ya?" Jake grinned back, extricating his hand from a grip that could have cracked stone. "Yeah."

    "Men," Dixie muttered. "Is that all you ever think about? For cryin' out loud, there's more to life than sex."

    "But not so much as good for you." Fabiano's expression declared the subject closed. He reached behind his back again and with a short formal bow. presented Dixie with a sand dollar. "For your collection."

    She gave a little gasp and accepted the flat round sea urchin. "Oh, my, you don't find these around here."

    The big man made a thoughtful face and gave a shrug that was distinctly Continental. "Sometimes we find what we do not know we are looking for, ya?"

    Dixie sniffed, but leaned up and kissed his cheek just the same.

    "I must return to my work now," he said. He jammed his hands at his waist and grinned again at Jake. "Jake, my new friend, you break our Dixie's heart, I will kill you, ya?"

    Jake smiled back. "I'd like to see you try it."

    Dixie rolled her eyes. "Criminy." Laughing, Fabiano bid them adieu and strode back to his cottage. Dixie gave the

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