Forbidden Lust: 3 (Lust for Life)

Free Forbidden Lust: 3 (Lust for Life) by Jayne Kingston

Book: Forbidden Lust: 3 (Lust for Life) by Jayne Kingston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Kingston
    “No, no, no, no,” they both started to chant at the same
time, Oscar straightening to look over his shoulder and Eva quickly moving back
to pull her shirt down.
    “Who the ever loving fuck could it be now?”
    “Just stay here.” He got to his feet. “I’ll get rid of
whoever it is.”
    “ Oscar .” She grabbed his arm and he turned back to
her. “I’m half naked.”
    “They can’t see you,” he assured her.
    In the driveway the headlights went out, the engine turned
off and the driver opened their door in quick succession.
    “Stay,” he whispered quietly, and walked away.
    Eva was shaking so hard she was surprised the chains holding
the swing to the porch roof weren’t rattling. It had to be a health hazard to
stop suddenly when a person was so close to orgasm, she mused, looking around
for her shorts. She didn’t see them, but they were just as black as the shadows
under the swing.
    Her head came up with a snap when a woman’s laugh drifted
across the yard. She stood slowly and went to peer through the morning glory.
    The woman was almost as tall as Oscar, model thin and had a
mass of red curls that had been twisted into a messy knot almost on top of her
head. Her long legs were fully on display in a pair of cutoff jean shorts and
she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra under the body-hugging, spaghetti strap tank
she was wearing. Only she wasn’t barely an A like Eva. She was a solid C going
on D.
    Eva turned and went down on her knees so fast she felt the
corner of the swing’s armrest brush dangerously close to her forehead. She
groped into the shadows a minute before she found her shorts, had them pulled
up and almost buttoned when the car in the driveway started and Oscar
reappeared at the top of the porch steps.
    “I should go,” she told him, her thoughts spinning wildly
out of control.
    He simply said, “No.”
    Ice slipped through her veins. “Stay? No?” She moved past
him to go into the house and get her purse. “Again, Oscar, I’m not a dog who
will obey your every command.”
    “I’m well aware of that,” he answered in the same calm tone
she’d just used.
    She went to the living room where she’d dropped her purse
and heard him slide the lock on the front door as she slung it over her
    She faced him, hands on hips. “You can’t keep me here
against my will.”
    “And I won’t.” He widened his stance and crossed his arms.
“You remember we’ve only been seeing each other two days, right?”
    “Don’t talk to me like I’m five, asshole.” She’d been
wearing shoes. Shoes she’d left out on the patio. She went through the
still-open sliding door to get them.
    “And you realize I had a sex life that didn’t involve you
before then, right?” he asked as he followed close behind her.
    Good Christ in heaven she wanted to swing around and clock
him with her purse.
    She found her sandals and jammed her feet into them. When
she turned he was standing in the doorway with his hands braced on the
doorframe so she didn’t have any room to pass. Fully intending to let herself
out the side gate, she turned to walk away, but he caught her around the waist
and pulled her back against his body.
    Eva stilled. “Let go.”
    “I didn’t have you pegged as the jealous type,” he murmured,
lips brushing against her ear. “I kind of like it.”
    “Oh get the fuck over yourself. I’m not jealous.”
    Yes she was. The idea of that woman’s long legs wrapped
around Oscar’s waist, her big tits bouncing as he fucked her, made her so sick
she wished she never would have laid eyes on the gorgeous bitch. Which was all
kinds of wrong, because he was right—she was not the jealous type. Never had
    It was highly unsettling, but she understood all too clearly
why she felt it now.
    Part of her wanted to push out of his arms and leave, get
far enough away she could get her head on straight. But the way he was holding
her close had his thick erection pushed against

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