What Happens at Christmas

Free What Happens at Christmas by Jay Northcote

Book: What Happens at Christmas by Jay Northcote Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jay Northcote
any reaction. Justin licked his lips, but kept his gaze fixed out of the window.
    Sean slid his hand a little higher, deliberately letting his little finger brush against the bulge at Justin’s crotch. Justin glanced at Sean then, just for a second before looking away again. Without saying a word, he covered Sean’s hand with his own.
    Sean felt a twist of disappointment, expecting Justin to push his hand away.
    Instead, Justin pulled it higher, placing it right over the hard length of his cock where it lay jutting sideways, trapped in his clothes.
    Okay, so we’re on the same page, then .
    Sean looked at the taxi driver, checking he couldn’t see where Sean’s hand was. Thankfully this guy wasn’t the chatty type. There was no way Sean could have carried on a conversation right now. He let his fingers move, carefully exploring the shape of Justin through his trousers. Justin kept absolutely still, eyes still tracking the houses and cars as they drove through the London streets, but when Sean rubbed the head of his cock with a fingertip, Justin bit his lip and swallowed, throat bobbing in the dim light.
    Sean shifted in his seat. He adjusted himself with his free hand and felt the warm stickiness of precome in his underwear. His cock ached with the need for stimulation. He was stupid with it, and a few strokes would be enough to bring him off. Thinking about that, he rubbed Justin’s cock harder, using his palm to touch as much as he could. He wondered whether Justin could come like this, whether he wanted to.
    Then the taxi slowed, and they were back at Justin’s flat. He pulled his hand away as the driver turned on the light in the back and twisted around to tell them the fare.
    Justin reached into his jacket pocket for his wallet, but Sean beat him to it. He shoved fifteen quid into the driver’s hand. “Keep the change.” He was already opening the cab door. The need to get Justin inside and alone was a biological imperative.
    “Cheers, mate,” the driver said as they climbed out. “Have a good night.”
    They made it indoors with indecent haste. Sean was heartened that Justin seemed in as much of a rush as he was.
    As soon as the door to Justin’s flat closed behind them, Justin grabbed Sean and kissed him again. This time there was nothing hesitant about it. It was all messy urgency as Justin backed him up against the wall and worked his hand down into Sean’s waistband. Sean sucked in his stomach to help him gain access and then moaned as Justin’s questing fingertips stroked the sensitive tip of his dick. It was delicious torture, but it wasn’t enough.
    Sean tugged at his belt, unfastening it, tearing at the button and zip so that Justin could stroke him properly if he wanted, then started work on Justin’s trousers too. With their hands busy at each other’s crotches, it was an awkward fumble, but somehow they got there. Jackets hanging open, trousers around their knees, they finally got their hands around each other’s cocks and stroked frantically as they snogged like teenagers.
    Sean had imagined this so many times when they were younger that he couldn’t believe it was finally happening. What if this was the only chance he’d ever get? He didn’t want this to be over too quickly. He tried to pull away, to slow things down and suggest they move somewhere other than the hallway—
    Justin moaned in protest. “Don’t stop. I’m so close.”
    The broken, desperate sound of Justin’s voice made Sean’s balls tighten. “Fuck, me too… but Justin, wait—”
    Too late.
    Justin came with a groan, his release slicking Sean’s fist as his head dropped to Sean’s shoulder and his body shuddered. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I couldn’t stop.”
    He sounded embarrassed, and Sean didn’t want that. “It’s fine, really… I’m about to join you.” Justin had stilled his hand as he came, and Sean was right there, teetering on the edge. He thrust into Justin’s hand as a reminder to

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