The UnKnown (A Novel)

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Book: The UnKnown (A Novel) by Lara Henley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lara Henley
my Baby by Usher went off on my phone.
    “It’s someone else isn’t it, Drake? I knew it had to be. You wouldn’t just break up with me out of the blue.” She strolled over to me as I was looking at Misty’s picture on the phone. Why was she calling? I moved the phone away when Sara came closer.
    “Hey, can I call you back in a few minutes; I’m in the middle of something,” I said as I answered the phone.
    “Sure. I’ll be waiting.” I ended the call. I didn’t want her to know that Sara was in the room with me.
    “Who was that, Drake?” Sara’s arms were folded and she was tapping her foot.
    “No one that concerns you. Listen, what we had is over. We both just need to move on.” She smirked at me and moved closer. Although she looked a bit different, she looked the same. She was still wearing the Lady Gaga perfume that would drive me nuts. She took the phone from my hands and threw it on the bed.
    “What are you doing?”
    “Shh, you used to like when I did this.” She pulled my face close with her hands and pressed her lips against mine. I had to admit it felt good. It felt familiar. It’d been awhile since I’d gotten any. Sara always got her way with me.
    The kiss grew deeper. She pushed us onto the bed and straddled me. I ran my hands through her hair getting lost in her. She started to kiss down my neck making it feel even better.
    “See, don’t you miss this? Don’t you miss us?” I actually kind of did. I was getting more and more confused by the minute.
    “I’ll never hurt you, Drake, I’ll never leave you.” She was pulling at my shirt when everything came flooding back to me. I was about to make a huge mistake.
    “No, Sara, we can’t do this.” I pushed her off me. “You need to go now.”
    “But, Drake…..” I cut her off again.
    “No, Sara, we are over. Please just go. This was a mistake.” She opened her mouth to say something, but then quickly closed it.
    “You have hurt me more than you know and I will not forget it!” She stormed out and slammed the door so hard that my picture of Kyle and me surfing in Cabo fell off the dresser and broke into a million pieces.
    I immediately grabbed my phone and dialed Misty back. It had to be pretty important for her to have called me. She picked up on the very first ring.
    “Hey, Peaches, is everything ok?” I asked with fear in my voice.
    “Yeah, I had a nightmare and I can’t sleep. I didn’t want to concern anyone in the house.” I was afraid of this happening. I knew there would be consequences from what that bastard had done.
    “Was it about what happened earlier? Gosh baby. It’s entirely my fault. I wish I was there with you now.” I lay down on my back and held the phone to my ear.
    “It’s not your fault that he tried to do what he did, Drake. You were there before anything really happened. I just can’t put it out of my mind is all. I wish you were here too.” She sounded so sexy in her sleepy voice.
    “Baby, I can be there in less than ten minutes. I’ll hold you all night to help you sleep.” She chuckled a bit.
    “I’d love that, but I don’t know how my aunt would feel about it.”
    “Well in that case, how about I stay on the phone with you until you fall asleep?”
    “That would be awesome. What shall we talk about? I’ve never really talked to a guy on the phone,” she answered.
    “Whatever you like, I’m an open book.”
    Misty and I ended up talking for hours. We didn’t get off the phone until damn near 2 a.m. She was so tired when we hung up. She had fallen asleep on the phone twice. We agreed to meet up in the afternoon, if her aunt wasn’t busy with her, so I could show her around the town. I wasn’t able to finish unpacking since it was late, so I got up and went to take a piss and a shower before bed. When I was washing my hands I noticed a red mark on my neck. “Shit a hickie!” Sara gave me a hickie. How would I explain this? It was always freaking something! This is what I

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