Full Position

Free Full Position by Mari Carr

Book: Full Position by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
carefully massaging away any lingering pain.
    Bella closed her eyes, touched by their kindness, their care. So much for holding on to her heart.
    She was falling fast.
    This night was going to end far too quickly.

Chapter Seven
    Justin watched Bella’s breathing soften as she fell into a light sleep. They would give her a few minutes to rest and recover. Then they’d rouse her, even though Justin suspected she could sleep the remainder of the night if they allowed it.
    They couldn’t. She’d insisted on the time limit. They needed to take advantage of every second. Needed to use each moment to wrap her tighter to them, tie her up with lust in the hopes that binding would keep her close enough to eventually let them capture her heart as well.
    Ned lay down next to her, facing her, resting his hand on one of Bella’s breasts. Justin followed suit, understanding his friend’s inability to resist touching her.
    “Well?” Justin whispered.
    “Don’t you think it’s a bit soon to try to claim the I told you so ? After all, we haven’t succeeded in our goal yet.”
    “We will.” Justin wouldn’t rest until Bella belonged to them completely—sexually, emotionally, even legally, once they figured out those logistics. While he lusted after her body, he felt an even bigger pull to her smiles, her intelligence and creativity, her beautiful spirit. His life was a brighter place with her in it. The love he saw reflected in Ned’s eyes as he gazed at their sleeping beauty told him it was the same for his friend.
    “She was remarkable.” Ned’s tone mirrored exactly how Justin felt. Seeing her dance and watching her respond to their touches had stirred more than his cock. She was made for them.
    Ned glanced at the clock on the bedside table. “Time is slipping away from us.”
    Justin understood the urgency. “Wake her up.”
    Ned bent forward, kissing Bella softly. It occurred to Justin they hadn’t spent much of the night paying homage to her lips. They’d have to make up for that. Bella was made for kisses. Lots of them.
    She stirred slowly, her lips moving to meld with Ned’s before her eyelids lifted.
    “Sorry, Bells,” Justin said. “But you’ve put us on a clock that’s ticking too fast. We haven’t scratched the surface of our fantasies yet.”
    “I can’t imagine anything more incredible than what we’ve already done.”
    Ned shook his head. “Then I’m disappointed. You’re one of the most creative artists I’ve ever met. Surely you can think of something wilder. More wicked.” His face softened. “Are you tired?”
    She shrugged lightly. “A little. Not enough to stop. Justin’s right. We need to take advantage of the few hours we have left.”
    Ned scowled at her stubbornness, but he didn’t call her out or try to correct her misapprehension. She’d find out soon enough that things weren’t going to end at dawn. There would be no locking this night—or their future—in some damn vault.
    Ned gestured to the room. “Look around, Bella. Point to a piece of furniture and let us draw you a picture of how much more there really is. With our hands.”
    Justin kissed her shoulder. “And our mouths.”
    Ned grasped Bella’s hand and guided it lower. “And our cocks.”
    Her eyes widened. “Already?”
    Justin wrapped her free hand around his thick erection as well. “You inspire us.”
    Bella pressed her legs together, prompting Justin to push between them to drag his finger along her slit. Sure enough, she was wet and warm.
    “I see you’re ready for more, too,” he teased.
    Ned pulled her to a seated position on the bed.
    “Point to something, Bella.”
    She studied all the sex furnishings, her gaze sliding around the room slowly.
    Justin expected her to ask what some of the pieces were for. After all, she was a novice when it came to BDSM games. Surely she would struggle to figure out the purpose of some of the benches.
    Or maybe not.
    Justin’s cock nearly doubled

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