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telescope for two hours, sat and watched it with the pleasantfatigue of a light task safely over for some time.
    "Shall we start down? This weather is too good to last," Camilla said, "and although I've gotten used
    to the mountain in the sun, I don't think I'd care to navigate it on ice."
    "Right. Pack up the instruments--you know how they go--and I'll fix a bite of rations and strike the tent. We'll start down while the weather holds--not that it doesn't look like a gorgeous day. If it's still fine tonight we can stop on one of the hilltops and camp out, and you can take some more sightings," he said.
    Within forty minutes they were going down. Rafe cast a wistful look back at the huge unknownrange before turning his back on it. His own undiscovered range, and probably he would never see itagain.
    Don't be too sure , a voice remarked precisely in his mind, but he shrugged it off. He didn't believe
    in precognition.
    He sniffed the light flower-scents, half enjoying them, half disturbed by their faintly acrid sweetness. Themost noticeable were the tiny orange flowers Camilla had plucked the day before, but there was also alovely white flower, star-shaped with a golden corolla, and a deep blue bell-like blossom with inner stalks

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    covered with a shimmering gold-colored dust. Camilla bent over, inhaling the spicy fragrance. Rafe
    thought to warn her, after a moment;
    "Remember Heather and Judy turning green? Serve you right if you Do!"
    She looked up, laughing. Her face looked faintly gold from the flower-dust. "If it was going to hurtme it would have already--the air's full of the scent, or haven't you noticed? Oh, it's so beautiful, sobeautiful, I feel like a flower myself, I feel as if I could get drunk on flowers--"
    She stood rapt, gazing at the beautiful bell-shaped blossom and seeming to shimmer with the golden
    dust.   Drunk   , Rafe thought,   drunk on flowers   . He let his pack slip from his shoulder and roll away.
    "You   are   a flower," he said hoarsely. He seized her and kissed her; she raised her lips to his, shyly at
    first, then with growing passion. They clung together in the


    field of waving flowers; she broke free first, and ran toward the stream which flowed down the slope,
    laughing, bending to toss her hands in the water.
    Rafe thought in astonishment,   what has happened to us   , but the thought slid lightly over his mindand vanished. Camilla's slight body seemed to flicker, to go in and out of focus. She stripped off herclimbing boots and thick socks, dabbling her feet in the water.
    Rafe bent over her and pulled her down into the long grass.

    In the camp on the lower heights, Heather Stuart woke slowly, feeling the hot sun through the orangesilk of the tent. Marco Zabal still drowsed in his corner, his blanket drawn over his head; but as shelooked at him he began to stir, and sniffed at her.
    "So you sleep too, still?"
    "I suppose the others are out in the clearing," Heather said, stirring. "Judy said she wanted to test some of the nuts on the trees for edible carbohydrates--I notice her test kits aren't here. How are you feeling, Marco?"
    "Better," he said, stretching. "I think maybe I get up for a minute today. Something in this air and sun,
    it does me good."
    "It's lovely," she agreed. She too was conscious of some extra sense of well-being and euphoria in
    the scented air.   It must be the higher oxygen content   .

    She stepped into the bright air, stretching like a cat in the sunshine.
    A clear picture came into her mind, bright and intrusive and strangely exciting; Rafe,

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    drawing Camilla into his arms ... . "That's lovely," she said aloud, and breathed deeply, smelling the
    curious, somehow golden scent which seemed to fill the light warm wind.
    "What's lovely? You are," said Ewen, coming around the tent and laughing. "Come on, let's walk in
    the forest--"
    "Marco's better. Do you realize that with all these people I've hardly spoken to you

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