
Free Monster by Laura Belle Peters

Book: Monster by Laura Belle Peters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Belle Peters
she worked my shaft with her hand.
    Fucking amazing.
    I kept my hand in her hair, tightening it when something felt particularly goddamn amazing, but trying to keep it gentle.
    She didn't seem to mind when I wasn't, though.
    So gorgeous.
    So amazing.
    I had to make her mine.
    Suddenly, she sucked the head of my cock again, working the shaft with both hands, humming around me.
    It felt so fucking amazing, it pushed me over the edge.
    "Oh, fuck," I said, trying to pull her off my cock.
    It didn't work.
    She swallowed every drop of my cum and stretched out, looking as smug as the cat who swallowed the cream - which, I guess, she was.
    "Bet satisfied?" she asked.
    "Fuck," I moaned. "Yeah. Bet satisfied. You win."
    I was surprised to hear her laughing, the sound clear and bright, making me want to join in.
    "I lost," she pointed out. "Don't you remember? I couldn't guess how long your cock was."
    "Yeah, but that blowjob was... fuck, you win. You win everything."
    Her grin made me return the smile, as I stared at how bright her eyes were, how full of life and humor and cheer.
    I found myself not wanting to miss out on anything those eyes had to tell me.
    "That was amazing," she said. "Are you always that good?"
    "I haven't heard any complaints," I said.
    "Good, then we might have to do it again," she said. "If you're up for it."
    Fuck, was I up for it? I didn't think I could stand the thought of never fucking her again, never sliding into her velvet depths, never making her moan and gasp for me again.
    "I think I might be," I drawled.
    "Okay, then," she said.
    I watched her hips move, the globes of her amazing ass shift and tremble as she stood up, wiping her body down unselfconsciously with the shirt I'd taken off her.
    "I need a shower," she said. "Want to join me?"
    It only took me about two seconds to stand up and strip, revealing my body to her for the first time, even after we'd fucked.
    "Damn," she said, eying my half-hard cock. "You're a grower and a show-er, aren't you? I've never seen a cock that big out of porn."
    I shrugged.
    "It works for me," I said. "I don't know any different."
    "Do you get a lot of women running away from it, maybe returning with pitchforks and torches?" she asked.
    I found myself laughing as I followed her to the shower.
    "I won't say I've never heard concerns," I said. "I usually have to take plenty of time getting a woman ready for it, get her desperate to be fucked before I so much as slide the head in. Sometimes I can't go all the way deep, but it's still fun."
    "I'll bet," she said. "You're swingin' a lot of pipe."
    The hot water felt good on my aching muscles after a long day of work.
    "You didn't seem to have any problems with it," I pointed out.
    She snorted, and I felt a wave of concern. Had I hurt her after all? Usually I teased a woman for at least half an hour, stretched and prepared her before I claimed her with my cock.
    "I'm sore," she admitted, "No regrets, though. Totally worth it."
    I pulled her to me, making sure it wouldn't put the spray in her eyes. I tilted her face up to kiss her lips, softly, gently.
    "I don't want to hurt you," I said. "Tell me if it's too much, we can always stop and find other things to do."
    "You're talking like we're gonna do this again," she said, looking saucy.
    "You said we might, and I'd love to," I said.
    "I would, but on one condition," she said.
    Pause. I waited.
    "We're not dating, okay?" she said. "I mean, we can go on dates. Watch movies. Have sex. I'm cool with all of that, but I want to keep it casual. There's no way I want anything serious right now."
    "So, all of the sex and fun of a relationship, none of the commitment and work?" I asked.
    She quirked an eyebrow at me.
    "I think I can live with that," I told her, swatting her gently

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