
Free Rule by Alaska Angelini

Book: Rule by Alaska Angelini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alaska Angelini
along with mine.”
    “Marko.” Bufar looked around the room as if there were something hiding in the air. “If what happened to you was a result of something she did, there’s a reason. I think you should let it go. This is Axis we’re talking about here.”
    “You’re saying I should accept that Tessa is dead when she may very well be alive?” My voice was nearly at a yell by the time I finished.
    “Yes,” he said, steadily.
    This wasn’t happening.
    “You never told me what Margo’s gift was. What is it, Bufar?”
    A paleness tinted his lightly tanned skin and he kept looking around the room. “Is this an order?”
    “Yes it’s a fucking order,” I snapped. “I’m ordering you to tell me right this very moment.”
    A swift nod was followed by his stepping closer. Even his voice lowered. “She can reprogram the mind. Like … what you mentioned. She can wipe memories and make you go through a lifetime as nothing more than a … zombie. She … scares me.”
    “Jesus!” I spun in a circle, not sure whether to get dressed and go to Axis or wait for word from them. I’d never been to their cathedral. I probably wouldn’t be allowed admittance, even if I did have the address. Not anyone could just show up. It was forbidden. Especially for a leader like myself. I had to send a request and even then it could be denied.
    “You’re sure about her gift?”
    “Yes, Master. I’ve … seen her do it before. Forty or so years ago, but I know what I saw.”
    I glanced behind me, throwing him a look. “What in the hell are you looking for?”
    “ Him ,” Bufar hissed. 
    “Him?” Even as I said it, I knew. “Aetas?”
    Another nod. “If Margo did reprogram you to think she’s dead, and Tessa is indeed alive, there has to be a reason they haven’t gotten in touch with you to let you know. The decision would ultimately be up to him. The question is, why doesn’t he want you to know?”
    My fists drew in and tightened. “You think he means to keep her there?”
    Buffar shrugged. “She’s the Black Princess. Her gifts might be beneficial.”
    “They could be just as beneficial here,” I argued. “What would be the difference between her being here or there?”
    “With what’s going on in the world, combined with what Hunter did…” Bufar trailed off, but I knew what he meant. There, she’d be safer. Protected against the worst threat imaginable. No one would be able to find her if Aetas didn’t want them to. Not even me.
    “Tessa.” Even as I called her name, I didn’t expect her to answer. Perhaps I was blowing this all out of proportion and I really had blocked it out from shock. No. It was too coincidental. But if that were in fact true, ma minettte was alive . And if she was alive, I’d see her again someday. That gave me hope. Something I thought I’d never feel again.

    Chapter 9
    The longer I stayed confined to bed, the more my vampire grew restless. Aggravation was seeping in, as was anger. Not toward Aetas or Marie, who were constantly hovering, but at Hunter for doing this to me. Hadn’t I tried to show him how much I cared? I’d shed blood for him and he didn’t even see the significance of what that meant. And now he lived when I was barely able to walk around for more than a few minutes at a time without getting weak. I couldn’t stand how long it was taking for me to get my health back. Vampires were meant to heal almost instantly. My make-up told me that, but weeks had gone by. It was unacceptable, not to mention embarrassing. I was in the presence of the greatest vampires in the world and I couldn’t even hold a conversation for more than a few hours without dozing off.
    That was just the beginning of my problems. If I didn’t get better and start my lessons, it would be forever before I got back to Marko. I couldn’t have that.
    Hunter. This was all his fault.
    I threw back the covers, easing from the bed once again. The half hour rest was enough. I

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