The Lightning Prophecy (The Lightning Witch Trilogy Book 1)

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Book: The Lightning Prophecy (The Lightning Witch Trilogy Book 1) by Emily Cyr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Cyr
the Coven, who is essentially doing the same thing.”
    “Why don’t you just register? I mean, it seems like the easy choice to me,” Mitch asked and I did wonder a similar question. I knew with Delaney’s powers she would be much like a laboratory rat; that is, if she was lucky. Or they would use her for their own deluded purposes, her morals be damned.
    She walked right up to Mitch and looked up at him in challenge while she said in a steady voice, “Because, Mitch, I do not want to live a semi-life. A life ruled by the Coven and ruled by humans. Humans wish us gone or dead and the Coven wants to use us to further their own agenda. When they are done with us all that would be left would be our bones and I, Mitch, am much more than bones.”
    She turned to walk away when Mitch asked, “What’s your power, little witch?”
    Walking toward me, she stopped and said over her shoulder, “Earth. But, I’m not near as powerful as Sierra was.”
    In the span of about ten seconds we had a wordless conversation all in body language.
    “I don’t tell anyone. I don’t have to.”
    “I won’t tell, but I don't think Mitch will either.”
    “Drop it.”
    Her face was flushed with emotion. She was getting frazzled and it was turning her face a beautiful shade of pink. The male in me wanted to push the issue, but I would let it drop, for now.
    “Okay, Reid, you want to change or do you want me to? We need to walk the path the body was drug. There are some questions we need to answer.”
    Delaney's eyes met mine as I smiled my best predatory smile and said, “I will.”
    Changing from human to werewolf was a shape shift.  It only took about five or so minutes outside of the full moon. On the full moon, the process only took about two minutes, but no matter the amount of time, the process was agonizingly painful. A wolf was at their most powerful at the apex of the full moon and at their weakest at the apex of the new moon. I’d heard that a were is drained of power to help raise a new wolf. But, I have never made a wolf so I didn’t know how true that was.
    I found a somewhat private place and began stripping my clothes off. While the idea of being naked with Delaney was quite appealing, Mitch being here was unappealing, to say the least. Stripping was a necessary part of the change, as I didn’t need shredded clothes. I closed my eyes and focused on the change. I took a deep breath and called it forward, allowing the wolf’s essence to take me over.
    Skin ripped and then healed with fur, bones broke and reformed into a new inhuman shape. The pain was near maddening. Every bone that breaks is white hot. Every reformation of my skin and limbs felt like acid being poured over my whole body. The wolf I keep at bay as a human stretched its legs, readying itself to take control, but I never let it get the upper hand. Scents bombarded me and sounds temporarily deafened me. In our human form we have heightened senses, but in wolf form, they are heightened one hundred fold.
    I shook my head, flopping my ears, trying to shake off the pins-and-needles feeling covering my skin. In my wolf form I was a tawny color with black specks on the tips of my fur. Like most weres, I sport electric-green eyes. We are not wolves, nor are we human. We do have a human nature, as well as a wolf’s. This was a difficult concept to grasp when I was first changed.
    I made my way back to Delaney and Mitch. My hackles rose at the scent of Mitch. He’s not your alpha, I told myself. I smelled her long before I saw her. Ozone and gardenias, Delaney’s scent. I paused for just a moment, breathing her in. She had dressed down today, but oh god she was beautiful. She had her back to me. I walked up to her and her back stiffened and she slowly turned around.
    Her eyes widened and she took a few good steps back. I wanted to jump on her. Rip her apart. My mouth began to water, causing me to pant. No, not rip her apart. I wanted to jump on her

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