Where She Belongs

Free Where She Belongs by Asrai Devin

Book: Where She Belongs by Asrai Devin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Asrai Devin
half on her, pressing her
into the mattress. "I don't get you. I don't know what's going
on, but I can't resist you." He kissed her as if he was starving
for affection. She matched his intensity, allowing her mind to shut
off and forget her responsibilities. He was a man, she was a woman,
and their bodies were meant to fit together. Their tongues clashed
somewhere in the middle.
pulled back first. "I can't anymore without touching you. I'm
going to sleep now. If you come across the center of the bed to my
side, I can't be responsible for what happens. I mean it, I can't
resist you."
voice squeaked. "Okay." She scurried to her side of the bed
and pulled the blanket tight around her. She wished she could cry at
her stupidity. She was a horrible person. She had to stop playing
with Gabe’s feelings and she had to stop this unfaithfulness to

Chapter 5

woke to a body pressed against his. He rarely spent a night with a
woman anymore, so who the hell was lying next to him with a hand over
his thigh? The hand slid up and there was a sigh and the entire body
beside him rolled away.
mind searched for memories of the night before. The bar, the usual
crowd. That was all normal, then he saw blond hair and blue eyes.
had morning wood, which was pretty standard. But seeing the outline
of her lithe body did not help the situation soften at all. He longed
to lean over and wake her with a kiss and slip into her waiting body.
cock surged with that thought. He slid out of bed before she woke,
retreating to his bathroom and turned on the shower. He climbed under
the warm stream and wrapped his hand around his erection and imagined
that he was back in his bed, doing all the things he'd fantasized all
these years. Shanna laying in his bed, looking up at him with
glittering eyes as he stroked her. Little mewls slipping from her
throat while he found heaven joined with her body.
imagined it more times than he'd ever admit. His body shuddered with
release. At least the edge would be off, but he didn't know how long
he could stand her teasing. He'd have to work carefully to make her
realize why she wanted him. How much time had he wasted already?
sighed and started washing his hair. After he cleaned up, he'd go
downstairs and make coffee and breakfast. Then they could go to work
he turned off the water, she banged on the door. "Gabe I need in
there. Right now."
laughed and grabbed his towel. "I'm still behind the curtain.
Come in."
was nothing for a moment, then the door opened. He rubbed his hair
into the towel then wrapped it around his waist. The toilet flushed
then she retreated without a word, only the soft click of the door.
pulled the curtain back and exited the bathroom. She was holding her
cell phone and pacing the floor. "We're late for work," she
said looking up. "Or we will be in about twenty minutes."
the boss. I think you can be late sometimes."
never late for work. I'm never late for anything."
believed that. He wasn't sure what to say so he started looking for
his clothes for the day. Briefs, socks, casual shirt and jeans.
Friday was always a casual day.
don't even have clean clothes here or my car. My mother is probably
wondering where I am." She sounded panicked.
crossed to her and grabbed her shoulders. "Take a breath and
calm down. You've done nothing wrong. You had some drinks last night
and had a good time." She'd kissed him for the second time in as
many days, but he didn't think pointing that out would help. "And
you crashed at a friend's house. If your mother was worried, she'd
call your cell phone."
She met his eyes and he could see her face relax. "Stayed with a
friend after a night out." Her jaw tensed again. she was
thinking about their kiss. He knew pushing her physical limits any
further would set him back. He let go of her.
downstairs and make some coffee. I am in desperate need. We'll have

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