Her Swedish Billionaire's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance For Adults

Free Her Swedish Billionaire's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance For Adults by Cher Etan, BWWM Club

Book: Her Swedish Billionaire's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance For Adults by Cher Etan, BWWM Club Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cher Etan, BWWM Club
    “ Come
in,” she said.
    Alison stepped shyly
over the threshold like she was a vampire, unsure if she had
permission. She slung off her jacket and laid it down on the bed,
sitting down tentatively on it as well.
    “ It's
good to see you Samara,” she said.
    “ You
too Alison.”

Chapter 6
    “ Wow,
I turn my back for six years and you manage to land yourself in a
mountain of shit huh?” Alison said once Samara had caught her
up on her life as is. She shrugged in response, feeling much better
about things now that her big sister was here. Alison always knew
what to do, even if she did give Samara shit about it.
    “ So,
this Bjorn guy hasn’t responded to your email?”
    Samara nodded.
    “ And
you don’t have his phone number or nothing?” it wasn’t
really a question but Samara nodded in response anyway.
    “ And
abortion is off the table?”
    Samara just gave her
a look.
    “ Right.
Okay. So…first things first. Doctor’s visit. Have you
done that?”
    “ Yeah.
I went to the campus medical center. They did a test. It was
    “ Have
you seen an obstetrician?”
    “ Not
    “ Why
    Samara shrugged
again. Saying she hadn’t known what to do and she was scared
and didn’t know who to ask, would sound just so absolutely
    “ Don’t
worry. The brains of the operation is here. We’ll get you
sorted out in no time,” Alison said with a clap of her hands,
seeming to understand, as always, what Samara left unsaid. Samara
sighed with happiness. She had really missed her sister.
    “ What
is this Inga?” Bjorn asked walking out of his office holding
the printout that Inga had finally placed in his inbox together with
Watson’s findings. Inga wanted to shrug and say, “You
tell me,” but she liked her job and wanted to keep it so she
just stood up and looked at him with an impassive expression.
    “ It
arrived in your inbox a few weeks ago. I didn’t know what to do
about it so I had Watson gather some background information on the
girl and here are the findings.”
stared down at the paper and then up at Inga as if he didn’t
understand anything .
    “ How
long is a few weeks?” he asked.
    “ Three
weeks to be exact sir.”
    “ Oh.
Okay. And have we communicated with her at all at this time?”
    “ No.
We have not.”
    “ Alright.
I have a dinner tonight; after, I’ll go through this
information and then decide how to proceed.”
    “ Yes
sir,” Inga said and Bjorn nodded and returned to his office.
    The dinner was
interminable and the speakers were boring and long winded. Bjorn
wanted to just stand up and leave but he couldn’t do that
anymore. He was a ‘representative of the family’ now, not
just Bjorn. He was itching to go through the intelligence sent by
Watson though and find out whether this woman who claimed to be
having his baby was on the up and up or not.
    If this was his baby then…it was a game changer for sure. If it
wasn’t…well this Samara was playing a very dangerous
game if so. He remembered how nervous she had seemed around him. So
innocent looking; was this her endgame? To get herself pregnant with
his child? Earn a meal ticket for life? From what Watson had gathered
in her file, her family made a living conning people out of money.
She had left them to attend college six years ago on a full
scholarship but then had immediately latched onto Gordon Whitaker’s
daughter, Amy, who was very well off and certainly facilitated Samara
a great deal.
    Was Bjorn her next
target? If so, she was in for the surprise of her life.
    The next day he asked
Inga to book him a flight to California and find him an excellent
family lawyer.
    Alison insisted that
Samara move in with her in an off campus apartment that was
nevertheless a short walk from UCLA. It was pretty dingy, and the
only thing it had going for it was the location. However, that detail
meant that they were paying a much higher rate than a studio
apartment of that

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