looking at us. He
handed me the bag with the new phone and accessories, and then
thanked us. I stood and held my hand out for Jade but she ignored
it and marched out of the store. I grinned and followed her.
    She’d been quick and disappeared before I got
out of the shop. Looking around, I couldn’t find her. My heart
raced and I jogged from one side of the mall to the other. Shit!
Where the hell was she? I looked around the busy shops. She
didn’t have any identification or even money. She’d left her school
bag with all of it in my car, not that she had any money in there.
Fuck, I shouldn’t have pushed her. I ran to the car hoping she’d
gone there, but she was nowhere to be seen, pulling my phone out, I
dialed my dad.
    “Hey, son. Wha—”
    “Dad, she took off and doesn’t have anything.
We are in Sydney shopping and she ran. I can’t find her and she has
    “Son! Son! Calm down.”
    “I can’t. What if someone took her? She
doesn’t have money or even a phone. Shit, Dad, what if—”
    “Stephan! Shut it! You need to calm down. You
will be no help like you are. Stop and listen.”
    I took a deep breath calming myself.
    “I have Brand’s team trailing you. They are
with you and your brother while your mother and I are gone. This
deal is a big one and I don’t trust anyone.”
    I gripped the phone tighter. I hated having
bodyguards but when your family had their hands into a bit of
everything the safety was needed. “I thought you took them all with
you.” Feeling calmer, I thanked God for my dad’s paranoia about
everyone being a potential threat to his family. I’d completely
forgotten about my bodyguards. They stayed hidden. No one knew we
had them until you tried to harm a Silverman.
    “No. I split the new team up so we had enough
for everyone. Call Brand, I’d bet money he knows what Jade is to
you so I don’t think she’s alone.”
    “Thanks, Dad.”
    “Anytime. Go get your woman. Your mother and
I are staying longer and won’t be home until late Thursday.”
    Dad hung up and I rang Brand. “I thought you
would have called sooner. You’re slipping. I didn’t think you knew
we’ve been watching. You’re turning into a pussy, or is it pussy
whipped?” I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn’t see
    “Way to speak to your employer.”
    “Your father pays my check, I believe. You
know I would say the same to him.”
    I chuckled, feeling lighter. Brand had been
with us for over ten years and he was a hard as nails ex-army
Special Forces. “So are you going to tell me?”
    “What? You mean the pretty brunette with big
brown eyes walking down the street. She’s heading in the direction
of the train station but I don’t think she knows because she keeps
looking around like she’s lost.”
    “Yep,” I growled. The silly girl. What was
she thinking?
    “Do you want me to detain her?”
    “No. I’m on my way now. She doesn’t know
about you, or that we all have bodyguards and she will too soon.”
Brand knew it goaded me to admit I needed protection. I’d learned
my dad may be ruthless but other men were worse.
    “Call if you need anything. David is with
    I hung up, already able to see Jade. Catching
up to her, I grabbed her arm. “Slow down.”
    She turned startled eyes on me and all my
anger and worry came flooding back.
    “You run off and don’t even know where you’re
going. You have no money and no phone. How did you expect to get
home if you lost me? What would have happened if someone took you?
I know you’re angry with me but that’s no excuse for putting
yourself in danger.” I tugged her against me needing to hold her. I
needed to know she was safe. Stroking her hair and taking deep
breaths of her lavender scent, I calmed my raging heartbeat.
    Jade was stiff in my arms but she softened
when I stroked her hair and held her tighter. Holy shit, how the
hell did my father and family put up with the curse? I’d be
certifiably crazy if I

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