A King's Revenge: Warlords Series Book 2

Free A King's Revenge: Warlords Series Book 2 by Michelle Howard

Book: A King's Revenge: Warlords Series Book 2 by Michelle Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Howard
defined in article 11 to the Marog for the goald?”
    Senate Leader Jamison
nodded. “We’ll use Talaron vessels only though. Our ships are designed with the
proper storage containers needed in order to keep the goald from decomposing
before it reaches our home.”
    Green turned to Juda.
“Is this fine with you?”
    Juda’s red head tipped
to the side causing the large goald hoops in her ears to clink. “We are in
    “Good,” Green’s
shoulders eased. “I suggest a small break. We resume after the mid-day meal.”
    General Ara stormed
from the room knocking a table to the floor on his way out. Moro, the fool,
continued to laugh.
    Tarik checked his comm
unit for the time. He hurried through the door barely noting Hensel and Mati
following behind. His plan had been to see Lea before she departed the space
station. The offer to visit Desani would be open ended.
    For once the long
corridor leading to the first available transport shaft remained empty. He was
far from in the mood to fight curious onlookers. When they stepped in, the
empty car almost had him sighing in relief. Mati and Hensel came in behind him.
    “Where to?” Hensel’s
fingers hovered over the buttons.
    “Departure bay.”
    He received a raised
brow but Hensel selected the appropriate floor.
    The entire ride down,
Tarik tapped his finger on the back wall of the transport shaft. He prayed he
wouldn’t be too late.
    “Sire, why the
urgency?” Mati’s brows knit in puzzlement.
    “I need to see someone
prior to returning to the talks.”
    Mati shared a pleased
look with Hensel. “Very well, Sire.”
    The doors slid open.
    Organized chaos
assaulted Tarik’s ears. Launch sequences relayed overhead. Seeing ships leave
one after another increased Tarik’s panic. He had no idea where to look first.
    Then he spotted her
red hair. His hearts jumped.


Chapter 12

    Lea rolled over and
stretched full out in the narrow bed. Her body ached and throbbed in places
unused to the vigorous exercise from the night before. Her mouth stretched into
a broad grin as she allowed herself to remember each touch and stroke of his
broad hands. Tingles rippled down her spine.
    Lingering remnants of
    She wondered if he’d
be interested in round two. Although technically they’d had two and three last
night. With a grin, Lea sat up ignoring the slipping bed sheets. The empty room
put a pall on the happiness zinging through her system. She turned left then
right looking for the handsome stranger who’d held her in his arms through the
    His clothes, boots and
the man himself were gone. Her stomach clenched. Perhaps he wasn’t one for the
morning after etiquette. She climbed from the bed and grabbed a clean jumper
even as she gave herself a gut check. It shouldn’t matter that he hadn’t stuck
around until she woke. They’d had a good time. Given one another satisfaction
and if Lea was honest he’d helped her stave off the loneliness that often crept
up on her during the night.
    She heaved a sigh and
kicked at the crumpled shirt in her way. Programming the thermo settings, Lea
stepped into the shower and heated water instantly misted out. Since she and
Kord were leaving today there would be no time to dwell on thoughts of Tarik.
    Lea dressed with
plenty of time to spare. Kord buzzed her comm as she slid her laser in the
holster around her thigh. The weight of the weapon gave her a familiar sense of
security. “Hi, Kord.”
    “You’re late,” he
    Lea frowned, hitting
the door release as she left the room. Kord never snapped. “I’m only a few
minutes behind.”
    She hiked her duffle
further up on her shoulder and hustled to the transport lift. “Are you down in
the bay?”
    “Yes. We’re cleared
for take off.”
    Kord always handled
the pre-flight check and with their recent repair delays, he was extra cautious.
Lea didn’t mind since she preferred to fly. Piloting their shuttle thrilled
her. Each jaunt into a

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