Confessions of a Queen B*
to everyone in the school.
    I hit Post and packed away my laptop, relieved I was able to let that asshole know I wouldn’t show any mercy next time.
    Now, I needed to figure out if I was willing to show the same hard-nosed stance with Brett.

Chapter 8
    “Hooray to our football team for winning the state championship! And an even bigger congrats goes to the senior star running back, Jamal Washington, for getting a 4.0 this semester, even in the first period class that he only attended once since school started.”
    The Eastline Spy
    December, Freshman Year
    I caved.
    At six o’clock, I met Brett at the locker room door.
    My breath hitched when I saw him. He was shirtless and looked so good it bordered on criminal. His brown skin stretched over well-defined muscles that would have a sculptor in ecstasy. I was counting my way down his six-pack when I came to the waist of his low-slung, tight-fitting pants. What I wouldn’t give to let my gaze keep traveling south.
    Instead, I got a view of the black infant carrier hanging from his outstretched hand and the mechanical doll that was becoming the bane of my existence.
    “Thank you again, Lexi.”
    I didn’t dare open my mouth to correct him. I might start drooling like an idiot.
    “I’ll meet you back here after the game.” He ducked back into the room filled with other half-naked boys, some of whom I wished had kept their shirts on.
    I wandered around campus for the next half hour before ending up back at my car, trying to decide if it was worth hanging around to watch the game versus going out to a coffee shop with Junior. I hated to admit that Taylor was right—I didn’t have any plans for tonight. Morgan had invited me to hang out at The Purple Dog, but when she heard I had baby-duty, she told me to stay home. I had no idea what Richard did on Friday nights. I felt alone—really, really alone—and for a moment, I wished I had more friends.
    The sounds of conversations punctuated by laughter drifted over from the football field, mingling with the steady rat-a-tat-tat of the drum line. People walked past me with smiles on their faces in anticipation of the first home game of the season. My curiosity got the better of me, so I crept toward the stands, paid my admission, and stuck to the shadows in the hopes no one would recognize me.
    “Oh my God, is that you, Alexis?” Richard asked from behind me.
    I yelped and spun around. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
    “Sorry, but I needed to make sure hell hadn’t frozen over.” He gave me a fake shiver. “I thought you said you wouldn’t be caught dead at a football game.”
    “Yeah, but unfortunately, I ended up with Brett Pederson’s baby,” I replied, gesturing to the doll strapped to my chest.
    “You have no idea how many girls would love to be in your position. Hell, I’d love to have his baby except for, you know, the actual childcare part.” He hooked his arm around mine. “Let’s go find a seat, shall we?”
    “You’re here for the game?” Somehow, football didn’t seem like an event that would attract Richard.
    “I never miss them.”
    I stared at him like he’d grown another head. “But it’s like the most caveman-macho thing out there.”
    “No, it’s not.” He pointed to the players who were warming up on the field. “Think about it. A bunch of guys wearing tight pants, slapping each other on the ass, tackling each other to the ground. The only thing that’s more gay is wrestling.”
    He led us to an empty spot on the bleachers right in front of the bench and led us there. “I think this has a nice view, don’t you think?” he asked as he sat down.
    I looked to where he was pointing and discovered a nice view of Brett’s ass. “Possibly.”
    “Are you sure you’re straight? I mean, if I had a chance to work side by side with Brett, I’d be all over that boy.”
    “He’s the most infuriating guy I’ve ever met.”
    “Denial.” He crossed his legs and

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