Sticks (Black Addiction #2)

Free Sticks (Black Addiction #2) by T. Gephart

Book: Sticks (Black Addiction #2) by T. Gephart Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Gephart
tricked herself into a state of Zen, heading straight toward reception. She didn’t even blink, flexing her nerves of fucking steel as she stood there. I’d always known she was one hell of a badass, but this took it to a new level of respect.
    That wasn’t the only thing that got my attention as my head did a swivel, my feet still glued to the floor at the entrance. The fact I had a dick put me well into the minority.
    Seriously, I was out-numbered by like twenty to one—and not in a good way. I had to wonder if the excessive estrogen wasn’t going to mess with my balls, it couldn’t be a good thing and I wasn’t excited at the prospect of finding out. Hang in there, buddies , I tried to give my nuts a pep talk. Hoping they could withstand the sonic boom of chick hormones they were experiencing. I was showering straight after this, just to be sure.
    There was one other dude in here, and if the look on his face was anything to go by, his stones were already sitting in his Mrs.’ purse. I couldn’t tell if he was freaking scared shitless or broken. He just sat beside his chick—her belly close to popping—with a dead, blank stare.
    Jesus Christ.
    This was not good.
    We’d barely been here five minutes and it felt like Armageddon.
    Beads of sweat prickled my neck as I let my hands drop casually in front of my crotch—I figured I’d give the boys a fighting chance and offer them some protection. Next time we came here I was definitely wearing a cup.
    Even though my brain really didn’t have its shit together, my feet thankfully did their thing and got walking. The one-foot-in-front-of-the-other took me away from the doorway looking like a douche to where Kenzie was standing at reception.
    Her blonde hair covered her face as she leaned over the counter, filling out some kind of forms—completely oblivious to the lack-of-happy happening in the room.
    No shit. I didn’t see one person crack a smile, except for the chick sitting behind the desk. And her hair had been pulled so tight she’d have no choice but to give you a cheesy grin. Oh, and she was way too cheery for this time of the morning, so I immediately didn’t trust her.
    “We’ll just take a sample after you’re done with the forms.” I caught the tail end of the conversation as freaky-smile-reception-chick put a specimen jar on the desk. “The bathroom is just on the left.”
    I freaking knew it.
    I had tried to tell Kenzie there was going to be jerking off involved, but noooooo, she laid on the that’s-not-how-they-do-it BS. Vindicated. She might be smarter than I am—but on this, clearly I was right.
    Of course, I’d already cleaned the pipes this morning—I’d needed some way to make myself less hostile from the early wake-up—but I didn’t anticipate a problem. Probably just as well too, because the jar they’d provided was tiny. I’d need at least five of them. Maybe even ten. Even now it would be touch-and-go. My load was pretty legendary. Case in point, the baby it had made purely on pre-cum. Fuck, I wonder how strong my swimmers were when I actually came? Medal winning probably. My mouth automatically curled into a proud grin at the thought.
    Anyway, I figured I’d save her the I-told-you-so I was entitled too. I was a team player and was more than willing to step up to prove it. Besides, I had a job to do, and jerking off was one thing I excelled at.
    So, while Kenzie was busy filling out a bunch of paperwork, I figured I’d grab the jar and get started. I mean, there was no time like the present and if we could move this process along a little, it would be better for everyone. She didn’t even look up as I snagged the jar and headed to where the desk chick had motioned where the bathrooms were. You think they could have provided something a little more welcoming. A booth maybe? With some porn. Surely that wasn’t too much to ask.
    With the jar tucked up tight in my mitt, I pushed open the door to the bathroom to find

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