Stand-In Wife

Free Stand-In Wife by Karina Bliss

Book: Stand-In Wife by Karina Bliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karina Bliss
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
reach operational fitness again—few did—but that didn’t faze Ross. It was enough that he kept the faith. No one had expected him to survive his injuries, either, and he’d proved them all wrong.
    Returning to Afghanistan drove everything he did from the food he put into his body to the punishing rehab schedule he’d superimposed over the occupational therapist’s. No way in hell would he accept being relegated to behind the scenes.
    He had to show the bastards who’d ripped apart his unit, killed his two close friends, that they hadn’t won. That whatever the ambush had changed, it hadn’t been him.
    Charlie groped for his glass. “There is something I can take peace from,” he said, and Ross shifted uncomfortably. He hated navel-gazing, hated its potential to weaken him.
    “Knowing the two people I trust most were with Mum when she died.” Charlie knuckled his eyes again and sighed. “Though I guess still trusting Meredith is crazy, given what she did to me.”
    A prickle of unease ran up Ross’s spine. Now was not the time for Charlie to start questioning his feelings toward his ex. For a moment he considered telling him about Meredith’s conversation with her boyfriend, except in Charlie’s current state that would be cruel. Maybe having to organize funeral stuff with his sister-in-law wasn’t all bad. Ross could be a buffer.
    He realized Charlie was still waiting for a response. “I don’t know what you want me to say, mate.”
    “Nothing to say.” His brother lay back on the cushions and stared up at the ceiling. “Didn’t you ever meet a woman who got under your skin?”
    “What, like a tick?”
    Charlie snorted. “You’re such a tool.”
    “I prefer finely honed instrument.” The opposite sexwas a pastime to Ross and he dated women with the same attitude. His longest relationship—six months—had been with a female triathlete. They’d enjoyed the training together as much as the sex.
    “Do you miss Terri at all?” Charlie’s mind was obviously running the same track.
    Ross sighed. “No.”
    “I still don’t get why you dumped her.” It had been one of the first things Ross did when he was shipped home to Auckland Hospital. “She was prepared to stand by you.”
    “Fine.” His brother reached for his tumbler. “I’ll shut up.”
    The doorbell chime made them both start. Ross looked at Charlie. “You expecting someone?”
    He started to shake his head then stopped. “Hell, I forgot. Susan said she’d stop by to commiserate.”
    The girlfriend. Ross stood up. “I’ll make myself scarce.” Though he approved of him moving on, he wasn’t yet comfortable seeing his brother with another woman.
    Reluctantly Charlie rolled to his feet and tucked his shirttail into his jeans. “I wish I’d said no.”
    “I can tell Susan you’re not up to visitors.” His kid brother had always attracted nurturers, women who responded to the mommy’s boy under Charlie’s misleading Bruce Willis exterior. Personally, Ross couldn’t imagine anything worse than having his emotional temperature constantly monitored, though his little brother seemed to enjoy it.
    Ross didn’t let women into his head and the only female allowed in his buddy clubhouse was Dan’s new wife, Jo. He enjoyed annoying her by calling her an honorary guy.
    “The thing is,” said Charlie, “it’s not only tonight I don’twant to see Susan. I think I only started dating her to get back at Meredith.”
    “What’s wrong with that?” said Ross, only half joking.
    “Susan’s a sweet woman, she deserves better.” Charlie staggered toward the door. “I’m gonna break up with her.”
    Ross moved into his path. “You’re drunk and you’re grieving…leave it a couple of days and then see how you feel. There’s no hurry is there?”
    “I’m not you, I can’t be with a woman I don’t love.” Charlie’s expression was mulishly stubborn. Just like his mother’s so often was. And his

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