Light of the Moon

Free Light of the Moon by David James

Book: Light of the Moon by David James Read Free Book Online
Authors: David James
rolls and grinned. “It was a gem of a memo.”
    “I learned a lot,” Tyler said, breaking his roll in two. “Did you know that you’re also supposed to make us dessert?”
    “Is that so?” Mrs. Little said.
    Tyler shrugged. “And there was something in there about giving the oldest child extra allowance.”
    “And the best friend,” I said quickly.
    Mrs. Little put her hands on her hips and threw her mouth open in mock horror. “Calum Wade! I expected better from you!”
    Kendra giggled. “Pwince Calum!”
    The table burst into laughter.
    Then, as though a cold breeze had blown in from the living room, we heard the news report from the television:
    ...more than yesterday. It seems as though the Bloodletter is not slowing down, and his nightly attacks are becoming more common than ever. Although the Lakewood Hollow Police Department is not willing to give any new information, our sources say that as many as twenty new victims have been abducted since last night. Of course, no bodies have been found, and because the LHPD is not allowed to file a missing persons report for twenty-four hours, the community is at a loss. Still, we are being told not to panic as nothing has been confirmed as murder. The LHPD is urging citizens to maintain a normal lifestyle...
    My throat burned dry. I reached for my glass of water too quickly and it fell, sending a river across the table and over the edge.
    In my mind, the water turned red. And as it disappeared off the table I could only think of one thing: Blood and gone.
    Mrs. Little cleared her throat. “Okay. Let’s forget about all that and be grateful we’re together for the moment.”
    I wished I knew how to forget-
    anything .
    “Calum, sweetie. How is it?” she asked as she blotted away the spilled water. “Do you have enough to eat?”
    My voice cracked. “Yes, thanks.”
    A melody of classical music peddled its way into the dining area from somewhere beyond.
    “Mom,” Tyler sputtered through a mouthful of salad. “Do we have to listen to this stuff?”
    “Atmosphere makes the meal, Tyler,” she replied. “Besides, you used to love Chopin.”
    “You did,” agreed Mr. Little. “I remember you used to take those piano lessons. They were all you could talk about.”
    “No way,” said Tyler. “I don’t remember that at all.”
    “I remember you did!” I said, laughing. “You used to sing all your classical songs when you came over. You even tried to get me to take lessons. Something about forming a band called the ‘C and T Piano Posse.’ I was supposed to write the lyrics for our songs. You would not let up about that.”
    “And I still agree with myself. You should have taken those lessons with me,” he said. “And you always are writing in one notebook or another. The ‘Piano Posse’ could have been awesome.”
    “Posse,” Kendra giggled.
    “Those were the days,” Tyler said.
    “Oh, please,” said Mrs. Little. “We had to bribe you to go. Candy, chips, anything to get you to the studio. That was back when we thought we were helping you out by getting you involved in something musical. It was supposed to help with your learning skills, math and whatnot. It was in all the books.”
    “That was until we saw you throw a ball,” Mr. Little said, and stuck his fork out to make a point. “That, and when we heard you sing all bets were off.”
    “I could sing a mean version of Twinkle, Twinkle ,” Tyler said. “Even my teachers said so.”
    “Uh...” I started.
    “I’m going to have to go with you on this one, Calum,” Mr. Little said, chuckling. “You son, like myself, were not blessed with the gift of song.”
    We all laughed, even little Kendra.
    I smiled at the way we ate together, the Littles and I. It felt so consoling, so real and not at the same time. Time flew swiftly by, as always.
    For a moment, all was well.

    Chapter Five
    Cold Memory
    The night was cool and calm as I

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