Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8)

Free Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) by Setta Jay

Book: Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) by Setta Jay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Setta Jay
Tags: Erotic Paranormal Romance
seemed to regenerate before the acidic blood ate through.
    He stared down at the herds before sending Drake the mental image of what was happening.
    Do you have any idea why they’re swarming? the dragon growled.
    No. Unless Hades’ presence in Hell is pissing off the Tria. The triplets had been imprisoned in the Realm before the Creators had been called back. It took the combined forces of Hades, Aphrodite, Athena and their consorts as well as Drake and P to imprison them. And it had come at a fucking cost. The Tria were just too damned powerful. They existed beneath the ground there, and just because the bastards couldn’t leave didn’t mean they couldn’t cause problems. They created havoc by sending Hell beasts to Tetartos and Heaven Realms and demon souls to possess evil humans in Earth Realm.
    Keep me updated, Drake bit out.
    P mentally nodded. It wasn’t as if the bastards could get free of their prison, and if Deimos, Than and Phobos wanted to sacrifice their beasts in some kind of tantrum, so be it. It meant less swarms being released into the other Realms.
    Drake growled, I’m guessing things didn’t go well for Hades with Sacha.
    Yeah, not exactly. I think he triggered old memories.
    She sent him away. Told him to come back later. I was the lucky one who got to explain some of her past and what she likely went through with Apollo and Hermes.
    P was happy about one thing. He’d seen the shocked and pained look on his father’s face when the other females had laid hands on him. P had never imagined his father brought completely to heel by one female. His brother Guardians would love to have seen the look on his face. He wouldn’t share it, but he was happy. Sacha deserved a male whose focus was completely on her.
    Do you need me there? Drake understood more than most what P’s father was likely going through. The dragon harbored his own guilt at the fact that his mate, Era, had been taken by their enemy and tormented.
    No. It’s better that no one’s near him. He wasn’t sure anyone would be spared from Hades’ fury at the moment; only P was truly safe from his father’s wrath at this point. How is the interrogation going ? Drake had been trying to get the warriors from Thule to speak.
    Nothing. And Kara’s still out. Hades had done some serious damage for another God to be unconscious this long. She’d gotten her own licks in during their battle, which was why Hades had spent days recovering himself.
    P gritted his teeth at the reminder that he hadn’t been at the fight. He fucking hated having been benched.
    Have you heard from Sirena? P asked. He’d asked her to check on Sacha when his father had demanded it. He mentally groaned at all his father’s commands and demands since being awakened from stasis.
    Just checked. Sacha told Sirena that she was fine and showering. I’m not sure what that means.
    Sacha had always been private. She was closest to the other female Guardians, but he doubted even they knew the extent of what she’d survived during her time in Apollo’s palace. Brianne had been there only for a short time, and Sirena had been secreted away at birth.
    He kept a close eye on his father and picked off any beast Hades may have missed.
    Drake growled, We can only hope to hell Hades is wearing out the Tria over there. I’m so tired of those fuckers.
    P agreed. There’d been a surge of evil humans being possessed in the mortal Realm in the last few days, and demon-possessed were the biggest pain in the ass for a Guardian to deal with. Since the assholes were technically human with demon souls, Guardians couldn’t harm them without feeling the same pain times ten, thanks to the Creators’ curse.
    Hades’ wrath finally seemed to ease. His father swooped down and landed on a mountain rise, and P settled to his feet beside him.
    Moments passed as they gazed down at the carnage, but one look at his father’s eyes said he had something else on his mind, and then the Deity was

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