Acres, Natalie - Cowboy Boots and Unsettled Debts [Cowboy Boots 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Free Acres, Natalie - Cowboy Boots and Unsettled Debts [Cowboy Boots 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) by Natalie Acres

Book: Acres, Natalie - Cowboy Boots and Unsettled Debts [Cowboy Boots 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) by Natalie Acres Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Acres
sped up a notch. Had Abby already slept with Juraz? Rather than question her, he sent the message. I can help with that.
    I hope so. I’m as dry as a bone, and Juraz is standing outside the door waiting for me.
    Wish I was there, don’t ’cha?
    I’ll take that as a yes. I know what you need, lover. You contacted the right man.
    Ace leaned against the cushions. He stared at his cock stretching forward, tenting his beige pants. He’d trigger her imagination all right. How about a long, meaty tongue pressing through those delicate pussy lips of yours. Would that work?
    I’m good at oral, baby. I’ve waited five years to lick that tempting clit of yours. Let me in between your legs and I’ll show you what a man can do with the right pussy under his tongue.
    The right pussy? Are you kidding me? You fuck everything that walks, Ace.
    I used to. That is until somebody started stringing me along by the balls.
    Fuck. This isn’t working. Hang on. I’ll call you. I can’t say much. Juraz might hear me. You do the talking. Think you can manage that?
    He chuckled. That’s a woman for ya. She wants a capable man who can use his mouth better than she can run hers.
    Shut up. I’ll talk to ya in a minute.
    As he awaited her call, he loosened his belt, yanking the leather strap free of the loops as he hurriedly tugged his cock away from confinement. If they were going to do this thing, he planned to take as much from the experience as possible.
    The phone rang.
    “Hey, baby.”
    “Hurry,” she whispered. “Talk fast. I have to be quiet.”
    “Ah, sugar,” he crooned. “If my lips were on yours, that wouldn’t be a problem now, would it?”
    “Don’t do that. Your voice reminds me of the lead guy on Sons of Anarchy , too deep and raspy. A woman could come listening to that voice in her ear.”
    “I thought that was the idea,” he said.
    “We can’t argue, Ace. Mum’s the word on this end.”
    A smile tugged at his lips. “No problem, baby. See, I’ve got something right here in my hand that will definitely do the trick when you need a loaded weapon to silence you.”

Chapter Six

    As soon as Abby heard Ace’s masculine sound, her pussy was wetter than it had been in the last decade. In fact, she hadn’t been this aroused since college. She’d known better than to call him, but after reading Ace’s text about his dilemma—being strung up by his balls—she couldn’t resist. She needed to hear his voice.
    No, she longed to have him walk her through what promised to be one hell of an orgasm. If his talk matched his cocksure strut—oh hell, and that hard, perfect body of his—reaching a climax wouldn’t present a challenge.
    Her breasts were tender as she shoved her hand under her dress. Pinching a nipple, she dragged the pad of her thumb over her swollen peak.
    “I’ve been waiting to lay you down, Abby. You know I have. This isn’t what I had in mind for a first time, but I’ll see what I can do to make it as good for you as I know it’s gonna be for me.” His thick lust came shining through the lines of communication.
    She closed her eyes and pictured him rising above her. He wouldn’t be easy. He’d take her with maddening strength, mainly because they’d spent years waiting for the right time, anticipating the ideal moment.
    “I’ve pictured you naked, your body underneath mine…”
    A jolt of arousal shot through her pussy as he spoke, and she gripped the sink as she tugged her skirt higher. There. Now she was raring to go.
    “I’ve got my dick in my hand, Abby. I’m hard, baby. I’m stroking and pulling, standing over you as I tease you.”
    Hellfire. Hearing the thick desire in his raspy tone enticed her enough to make her folds damp, truly slick.
    “Pretend you’re here with me,” she said softly.
    “Where are you again?”
    This was just her luck. Ace stepped into the role of agent. He wanted details about the mission.
    She needed a little pleasure with business.

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