Look After Us
other than Lily. However, it’s more than a motherly instinct. It’s an irrational, alpha-chick, wanting-to-stake-my-claim type of protectiveness. I’m naturally insecure—I always have been—but this is the first time I’ve ever felt insecure about my relationship with Ashton.
    His green eyes darken in an instant, and my legs automatically open up to him, feeling his hardness pressed up against me. “I am, huh?” he questions playfully.
    “Uh huh,” I coyly reply with a smile.
    “My woman staking claim on what is rightfully hers … that’s hot, baby.” I giggle as his mouth zones in on my neck, sucking against the sweet spot that he knows drives me utterly insane. He pulls away a moment later; the playfulness in his eyes now serious.
    “I said this yesterday, and I’ll say this again. You don’t ever need to be jealous. Yes, I’ve been with other women, but their touch has never had the same effect on me like your touch has. Your touch is like lightening, fireworks and electricity all rolled into one. Just one touch from you is enough to set my body alight. No one has ever come close to making me feel like that. Ever . Only you .” The seriousness fades and is quickly replaced with extreme lust. His eyes never once leave mine as his fingers begin an upward journey along my arms—causing shivers to erupt along my bare skin—until he’s captured my hands within his, locking them above my head.
    “How about I show you how much you make me feel?”
    A gasp falls from my lips as his erection presses heavily against my bare pussy that is now pooling with desire, no doubt soaking the material of his shorts. I wrap my legs around his waist and grind my hips against his, causing a deep growl to escape his beautiful plump lips—lips I want to utterly devour. “Let’s see if this bad boy can last longer than thirty-three seconds, huh?” He waggles his eyebrows as he lets go of my hands, making me giggle but it turns into a sighed moan the moment the weight of his bare cock presses against me—freed from the restraints of his shorts—before he sinks deep inside of me, proving he can last a hell of a lot longer than thirty-three seconds.

“GOOD MORNING!” ASHTON ANNOUNCES to everyone with a huge smile splaying across his face as we both enter the kitchen hand in hand.
    “Good morning. Did you two sleep okay?” Alana asks while she busies herself making breakfast. The incredible smell of bacon that sizzles in the pan causes my stomach to grumble. I’m a little taken aback seeing her in such a sober state considering how wasted she was last night. I would have sworn she’d wake up with a bitch of a hangover, but with the smile plastered on her face as she hums along to the radio, it’s obvious she’s anything but hungover.
    I go to answer, but Tyler, who’s currently helping himself to a muffin, interrupts me, but not before Alana tries to smack his hand away. “From the sounds of it I can’t imagine either of them got any sleep,” he says as he stuffs his face with a homemade muffin and my entire face flames up in an instant. I wasn’t that loud, was I? “And by the look of that shit-eating-king-of-the-jungle-grin on his face, tells me his manhood is well and truly used.”
    The redness in my cheeks intensifies, making it feel as if my cheeks really are on fire. I can hear Ashton chuckle from beside me, and his amusement only adds to my mortification. Shit. I hadn’t realized anyone would have been able to hear. Just kill me now.
    It doesn’t help my humiliation when I happen to glance into the direction of Ashton’s dad; I see the trademark Bailey smirk etched along his face hidden behind his newspaper, and I desperately want the floor to swallow me whole.
    “I hope you guys are hungry, I have enough here to feed an army. Go, sit.” I inwardly thank Alana for her quick diversion as Ashton and I take a seat at the table. I look over to Jo and Mia, who both look a little worse for wear this

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