Blood Double

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Book: Blood Double by Connie Suttle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Suttle
Tags: Retail
    Gavin had gathered a few items of clothing from the Queen's closet and stuffed them in my arms before I left Le-Ath Veronis. I wasn't sure about his ideas on how to dress a woman, but didn't argue.
    "Closet over here," Stellan led the way and opened the door. I hung dresses, blouses and slacks on empty racks. Stellan lifted things from my arms and held them while I placed clothing on hangers. He, like his brothers, was more than handsome enough, and he was dressed casually in a white shirt, the sleeves rolled back for comfort. Dark slacks and boots completed his outfit, and he grinned at me while I worked.
    "We didn't get shoes," I muttered after thinking about it.
    "I'll have some brought in tomorrow," Stellan promised, smiling crookedly at me.
    "Thank you." I nodded at him.
    "I don't suppose you'd mind having dinner with me, sometime?" He almost sounded shy as he asked. If I could read him, I felt certain the reading would indicate how unsure he was. He worried that I'd refuse.
    "I suppose," I said.
    "Then we'll go. Soon. And I'll have someone bring shoes, I promise." He left the room quickly, as if he were afraid I'd change my mind.
    * * *
    "Reah is here, so she'll be with me part of the time. I hear you have mindspeech, so I'll be in contact with you, asking about this one or that." Teeg took in my appearance after I was escorted to his study by Stellan. One of Queen Lissa's ball gowns met with his approval—I could see it in his face. He was dressed simply—and elegantly—in expensive fabrics. I knew it was for ease of movement, as well as appearing stylish.
    "So you and Kevis Halivar are mated to the same woman," I said. I'd seen her in their readings.
    "Yes." His answer was curt. He didn't like it that I could see everything about him. He was a modified vampire—I knew that, too, and he knew I knew. He resented it. Not many people held that information, and very few knew who his parents were. I was dangerous to Teeg San Gerxon.
    "You could ruin me just as easily," I said, looking away. "I know how to keep my mouth shut, Mr. San Gerxon."
    "I am telling you now not to reveal anything about my personal life to anyone." The compulsion would have cracked anyone else's skull. It had no effect on me. I blinked at him before nodding. Why would I tell him that I could scream his information to the world? Teeg San Gerxon was more dangerous than most people realized.
    "Come, we will gather my warlocks and go through the tunnel to the San Gerxon Casino," he said. Obediently I followed him from his study.
    The Starr brothers gathered around Teeg as we walked through the tunnel. "Dee has already taken Reah over." I blinked at Astralan Starr—he was mated to Reah, just as Teeg was. She had many mates, I discovered. Dee, well, he was Teeg's assistant and also a modified vampire. Very old, too—my curse told me.
    Stellan kept his eyes ahead and paid me no mind, as any good bodyguard should. I wasn't the one to be protected, after all; the Founding Member was.
    * * *
    Reah's Journal
    Edward, she frightens me. As if everything in my head will be laid bare to her , I sent to Edward. He'd escorted me to Campiaa, but stood across the room seemingly disinterested in his surroundings. I was Teeg's wife to everyone in the Campiaan Alliance, and Edward had no desire to come to anyone's attention. Teeg knew I was pregnant, and he'd reluctantly agreed not to ask me to attend any more functions until after the birth.
    He'd explained, however, that Breanne could, in his words, read people, and that included Larentii. Only the gods much higher than the Nameless Ones could read Larentii, and that meant she could likely read Edward and me as well. I didn't want that, because it did frighten me. Who was this woman? I had no idea, and only wanted Edward to take me home at the earliest opportunity.
    Teeg , I sent.
    As soon as this is over, Edward is taking me home. I'm not feeling well.
    I was hoping you'd spend the night.

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