Blood Double

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Book: Blood Double by Connie Suttle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Suttle
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don't ask.
    Astralan wants to see you.
    Tell him to visit Avendor tomorrow.
    If there's nothing to prevent it, I'll come with him.
    If that's what you want.
    Reah, we've spent two nights together in the past six months.
    I know. You're always welcome on Avendor. Edward says so.
    I don't like the way he and Aurelius watch me while I'm there.
    You think they don't have cause?
    Reah, let's discuss this another time. I have work to do tonight.
    As you say, Founder . I cut off the mindspeech before I became more upset than I already was, and Edward was sending love and concern in my direction—he knew I was upset.
    * * *
    Breanne's Journal
    Tell me about this one . Teeg's mental order was terse. He was upset about something, but I didn't want to know what that might be. The grand ballroom at the San Gerxon Casino was filled with people, all of them dressed extravagantly and all of them drinking, talking and laughing.
    This many people always made me uncomfortable. Receiving so much information at once usually gave me a headache, so I kept my eyes lowered, staring at shirts, dresses or jewelry instead. The man Teeg indicated was short, balding and holding a large glass of wine in his hand. What looked to be a servant stood at his elbow. I focused on the targeted face.
    There is little there , I returned. He believes himself in charge. The one at his elbow is running his kingdom and offering little in the way of authority or information to the figurehead at his side.
    You're joking? filtered into my head. Teeg walked up to the President of Theele and shook his hand in the accepted way. Come with me , Teeg added.
    Reah, Teeg's lovely, white-haired High Demon mate, spoke with someone nearby and paid no mind to his departure. I hadn't looked directly into her face, hoping not to read her. I'd read enough about her in Teeg's reading, and wanted to hit him for what I'd seen.
    It also seemed that the newly elected President of Theele was happy with the attention he was getting from Teeg San Gerxon and happily trotted beside Teeg, his taller, thinner shadow following close behind. I trailed the entourage discreetly as Teeg led them into a meeting room behind the ballroom. Close the door , Teeg instructed as I walked inside. Obediently, I closed the door behind me.
    "I was hoping we might meet in private sometime tomorrow," Teeg said smoothly to President Ferdik of Theele. "Just you and I, with no one else present. I have things to discuss that must remain between the two of us."
    "Oh, no, Nall here goes everywhere with me. Keeps me up to date and helps me remember things," Ferdik chuckled. "You won't even know he's there. When would you like to meet?"
    "Breanne, would you come here for a moment?" Teeg said. He'd deliberately kept his gaze on Ferdik and didn't look my way as he spoke. I went.
    "This is my new assistant, Breanne. Nall, hit her." Compulsion coated his words and I barely saw the punch coming before I was hit in the face.
    * * *
    "I didn't know he would hit her so hard, or that she wouldn't duck. She's vampire, for cripe's sake." Teeg's shirt was unbuttoned, his tie lying loose on his desk.
    "I believe Stellan wants to punch you right now." Astralan set a drink on Teeg's desk.
    "I said I didn't know. I only wanted to get Nall Seak arrested for assault, so I could grill Ferdik alone and look into Theele's puppet kingdom."
    "I'm assuming you laid compulsion on both of them before I arrived?" Astralan asked dryly.
    "You assume correctly. How's the girl?"
    "Fractured facial bones, Kevis says. Half her face is purple and black and her left eye is swelled shut."
    "Stellan's pissed."
    "I understood that from your previous statement."
    * * *
    Breanne's Journal
    "I want to go home."
    "I know that. Teeg wants you to stay." Kevis focused on my face and eye—the one I couldn't see through. It didn't matter, the right one still worked fine. Kevis wasn't happy and he was upset with Teeg. He wasn't alone in the upset department.

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