Desert Rain

Free Desert Rain by Elizabeth Lowell

Book: Desert Rain by Elizabeth Lowell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lowell
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
his chest. I wasnt talking about you.
    But I was! Im
    Hollys words were lost beneath the sweetness of Lincs tongue inside her mouth. His kiss
     told her of gentleness and caring and the passion for her that infused his every breath.
    Unconsciously she moved against him, fitting herself to his powerful body until there was
     nothing between them but clothes and the words he hadnt let her speak.
    Youre more than beautiful enough for me, Linc said against Hollys lips.
    No, he said, filling her mouth again, making it impossible for her to speak. No more
     arguments about beauty and women.
    But We should know each other better before we argue, Linc interrupted again. How about
     discussing it? she muttered. Ive just found you. Lets not do anything to spoil it. When
     Holly didnt answer, Linc nipped her lips lightly. Okay? he asked.
    His mouth closed over hers, stilling her words and drawing out her breath in a single
     powerful kiss.
    Promise me, he said finally, urgently. Having you back is a dream come true. Just a few
     days. Just a few days and then we can rant and rave and slang at each other like old
    Unhappily Holly looked at Linc.
    His eyes laughed down at hers.
    Im not a fool, Linc said dryly. I know well fight. You always were a stubborn wench. But
     just for a fewdays...?
    How many?
    A rueful smile spread beneath his mustache.
    Like I said, a stubborn wench, Linc muttered.
    Holly waited silently.
    Two? Linc asked. That will get us past the Arabian Nights party at the ranch. Then if you
     want to go fifty rounds, so be it.
    She wavered, tempted. Then she shook her head.
    Youd be furious at me when you found out, she said.
    Found out?
    Linc stiffened. His fingers dug almost painfully into her arms.
    Found out what? he asked harshly. Are you married?
    Too shocked to answer, Holly simply stared at Linc.
    Are you? he demanded.
    Do you think Id have touched you if I was married? she shot back.
    Other women have, he said dryly.
    Not this one. Then Holly added in biting tones, Arent you going to ask about fiancŽs,
     boyfriends, and lovers?
    Lincs face changed, becoming a mask once more.
    Are there many? he asked neutrally.
    Not a single one! Holly exploded, words tumbling out of her recklessly in her anger. In
     fact, Im a
    Abruptly she got control of her temper and her tongue. She looked away from Linc,
     embarrassed by what she had almost revealed.
    His expression shifted subtly, alive again.
    Youre a what? Linc coaxed.
    Hollys chin lifted in a defiant gesture. She put her hands on her hips, unconsciously
     echoing the moment yesterday when she had faced Lincs contempt as Shannon.
    Im not very experienced with men, Holly said bluntly. But that shouldnt surprise you. As
     you pointed out, Im so damned plain.
    With that, she turned away from him and stalked back toward camp.
    He caught up in three long strides, put one arm across Hollys back and the other beneath
     her knees, and lifted her across his chest.
    She gave him a cool, shuttered look.
    Like I said, Linc muttered, we should declare a truce for two days while we get to know
     each other. Then well get engaged.
    Hollys breath caught.
    The look on her face made Lincs pulse kick hard.
    Three days after that, he said huskily, well get married. And then the word no will vanish
     from my vocabulary.
    Tears of joy and hope and something very near pain burned behind Hollys eyes. She wanted
     to say yes instantly, to bind him to her before he found out about her alter ego, Shannon.
    The thought of Lincs contempt for beautiful models frightened Holly.
    Lincs saw neither the tears nor her fear.
    His lips were moving over her throat, her hairline, her ear.
    Holly, he breathed into her ear. Is my request for a two-day truce so unreasonable? Surely
     you can keep your temper that long?
    But Damn it, woman, Linc interrupted, what does it take to convince you? I just dont want
     you to hate me later.
    I could never hate

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