Mating the Dragon (Dragon Ruins Book 6)

Free Mating the Dragon (Dragon Ruins Book 6) by Rinelle Grey

Book: Mating the Dragon (Dragon Ruins Book 6) by Rinelle Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rinelle Grey
    Taurian’s clan was silent, their faces drawn and worried.
    The Trima dragons cheered their leader, and booed at Taurian.
    He ignored them. They weren’t worth his time. 
    “What is the next game?” he growled to Mesrian. Hopefully the elder had the sense to pick something he could win.
    Whatever that was.
    “The first to bring back a meal for tonight’s feast will be celebrated by all,” Mesrian announced.
    Good. The Trima dragons were out of their territory, they didn’t know this area, or where to find game at all.
    Then again, neither did Taurian.
    Not that he was going to let that stop him.
    He waited, impatiently, shifting from one foot to another, while Mesrian called for entrants.
    “After I exterminate your clan, I think I might keep your mate for myself.” Ultrima’s voice in Taurian’s head was a slow, lazy drawl. The lightning dragon grinned at Taurian, showing all his teeth.
    Taurian felt an overwhelming urge to throw himself on the other dragon, his teeth aiming for his throat. It was a struggle to hold himself back, but he managed. He was trying to avoid a fight. Much as it stung. 
    The sensible thing to do would be to ignore the other dragon. Ultrima’s mind message had been heard by Taurian only, responding would make no difference to the rest of the clan. But his pride refused to let it go. 
    “If that is the only way you can convince a mate to actually accept you…” 
    He let the thought sentence hang, pleased when he saw a flash of anger on the other dragon’s face. So Ultrima wasn’t quite as cool, calm, and collected as he always seemed. He could use that.
    “We have four entrants,” Mesrian announced loudly.
    Taurian took a good look at the clan mates who had chosen to step forwards. He would be sure they were rewarded later. Going up against Ultrima was intimidating, even in the non-contact games. But if no one stepped forwards, then the fact that these games were a sham, nothing more than a way to pass the time while Taurian tried to think up a way to defeat Ultrima, would be obvious.
    “The rules are simple,” Mesrian continued. “The first one back with game wins. All food from all entrants will be prepared for the mating feast tonight, so in a way, we all win.”
    Sitting back on his haunches, Taurian waited for her to say the word. His eyes were on a strip of land to the south. The hunters had found game there last night for the feast. There could be more.
    Taurian launched himself into the air and flew swiftly towards the trees. He skimmed over the area, his sharp eyes searching. His heart beat loudly in his ears and he was tempted to turn around, to see which direction Ultrima had gone and what he was doing.
    But that would just distract him. He needed to focus on finding game. As soon as possible.
    There. Movement below him. Taurian circled around, careful not to let his shadow pass over the area below.
    A couple of crows fought over a dead lizard’s carcass. 
    Taurian hesitated. Crows were, technically, game. But they would not make much of a mating feast. He needed something more. 
    He flew on, covering quite a distance with his deep strokes. But the further out he found game, the further he would have to carry it. He circled to the west, intending to circle around slowly. 
    In the distance, he saw another dragon, his gaze intent on the ground below him.
    Taurian turned back to his own area, trying to quell the panic welling. What if he lost again? He was pretty sure his clan mates would make sure not to beat him back, but he couldn’t say the same of Ultrima. The Trima dragon would beat him if it was at all possible.
    He should have just taken the crow. He would be half way back to his lair if he had.
    If he had been planning this mating, he would have scouted some possible spots earlier in the week. As it was, he was flying blind. And he had to be careful not to be spotted by the humans.
    Below him, he startled a group of kangaroos,

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