Unicorn Bait
comment. “Are you hurt?”
    “I’m fine.”
    She couldn't tell if he had the mask on but decided not to ask. “But Victor came back all cut up. How did you get away from the Umbreks?”
    “I killed them.”
    She looked away feeling uncomfortable. She didn’t know how to react. Violence had never been a part of her world. Before she’d come here, she’d never been in a fight or had her life threatened. This was Tavik’s world. He probably found it all old hat: Kill some monsters, burn a town, and come home for a relaxing nap. With a start, she remembered she was in his bed and that he probably wanted it back. She moved to get up.
    “What are you doing?”
    “Getting up. You should rest.”
    “Don’t bother. I'll sleep elsewhere.”
    “But this is your room.”
    She heard Tavik sigh. “I’m tired, Naomi. I don’t want to argue.”
    “Then stop arguing and do what I say,” she said with a mixture of frustration and humor. She climbed off the bed and folded the blankets back.
    “Naomi,” he said with a warning tone.
    “You slept in a chair last night. You rode all day and fought Umbreks. You need to rest in a proper bed tonight."
    “Where will you sleep?”
    She'd been avoiding that question because really she had no idea. She didn’t know where Yula’s room was, or else she’d go bunk with her. She hunched her shoulders. “If you’ll sleep in the bed, you can tie me to a chair.”
    “What were you dreaming about?”
    She was startled by the change of subject. She wasn’t sure if telling him the truth was wise, but she couldn’t think of a lie. “I was dreaming about unicorns.”
    “It didn’t seem to be a pleasant dream.”
    “I was trying to catch one and couldn’t.”
    He walked over to the bed and sat. She could tell by the shape of his head that he had the helm still on. He kicked off his boots. “You might as well sleep here as well.”
    “What about my own room?”
    His shoulders slouched. “I will see to it tomorrow.” Naomi realized she was being a little prudish. He was obviously bone tired. She could see that by how slowly he moved. Anyway, she could sleep above the covers and scream like a banshee if he did anything. She walked around to the other side of the bed. She watched him lay his head back without removing the helm.
    “You’re going to sleep in that thing?”
    “Yes,” he replied without inflection. She scrunched her eyebrows together at that but didn’t comment. She slipped under the top blanket, leaving the rest underneath her. She didn’t think she would get back to sleep, but she was wrong.
    She woke to a very odd sensation. It didn't feel bad, but considering it’d been six months since she’d broken up with her last boyfriend, and there’d been a very dry spell, a veritable drought actually, waking up to an arm draped over her waist made her pause for a moment, and wonder did she really want to wake up? Either this was a dream, or a nasty hangover was waiting in the eaves for her. But as anyone knew, thinking about waking up defeated the purpose.
    She reluctantly cracked open one eye. She was lying on her side facing the arm’s owner. Being the second morning that she’d woken to the grim visage of Tavik’s helm, it didn't startle her as bad this time. The masked lord didn't appear to be awake yet. She could hear soft snores. She wondered what time it was. Dim light streamed in through a narrow window. She wanted to get up and look through it but not wake her bed partner. She figured he needed the rest.
    She rolled over to her stomach. Tavik’s hand shifted to lay heavy on her back. If she could just ease out from under his arm, she’d be out of this odd predicament. She grasped the side of the bed and began pulling herself to the edge. His arm tensed. She thought he was waking up and prepared to apologize for disturbing him. To her chagrin, his arm stretched out, curled around her waist and drew her back to him. Her head was now nestled

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