Chain Reaction

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Book: Chain Reaction by Diane Fanning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Fanning
could win and changed the subject. ‘The reason I was calling is that I was just thinking that it was about time we did something together.’
    ‘Yes, yes, yes. Sunday is Mother’s Day. Me and Ruby made cards for you.’
    Lucinda felt an ache deep in her chest. ‘I think that would be a great idea, Charley. Since the three of us all lost our mothers, we ought to stick together.’
    ‘Well, I kinda wanted some time just with you but we can do that another day. Ruby would be real sad if we left her with Dad on Mother’s Day. What do ya wanna do?’
    ‘I thought we might go for tea at the Olde English Shoppe. There will be a lot of mothers and daughters there but I don’t mind that if it wouldn’t bother you and Ruby.’ Lucinda mentally crossed her fingers. It would be a good sign of healing if Charley didn’t object.
    ‘That would be fun. And Ruby’s still just a little girl so she’ll probably want to pretend that you’re her mommy. Would that be OK?’
    ‘Yes, Charley, it would be perfectly OK,’ Lucinda said as a tear dropped from her one real eye.
    ‘Oh, but do we have to wear white gloves to go to tea?’
    Lucinda chuckled. ‘I don’t think that’s necessary.’
    ‘Oh, good. Ruby had to wear white gloves when she was a flower girl last year – and boy did she make a mess of them!’
    ‘All right, then, make sure it’s OK with your dad and I’ll drop by for you and Ruby at three o’clock on Sunday afternoon.’
    ‘Cool. But, Lucy, mean girls are mean girls forever. Just like some of the bad men you lock up. They don’t stop being mean; they just learn better ways to trick people.’
    Sounded like a good working definition of a sociopath, Lucinda thought but she said, ‘You don’t think people can change, Charley?’
    ‘Oh, sure,’ the girl answered. ‘But they have to have some good inside their hearts – and Madison? Her heart is as black and rotten as a banana left in a locker all semester.’

    F or another hour, Lucinda stewed and fretted. She thought of calling Jake despite what he said but then thought better of it. She couldn’t bear it if she called and got the same response as the last time.
    Finally, the front door opened and Jake entered the apartment. She rushed towards him and exchanged a kiss. He pulled back and put his index finger up to his lips.
    ‘Jake, what’s—’
    He raised his finger again and shook his head. ‘How about we go for a walk down by the river?’
    ‘A walk?’
    ‘We’ll put on some suitable shoes and take a nice walk,’ he said, stepping past her to the bedroom. He sat on the side of the bed, pulled off a pair of green Converse high-tops and slipped on a pair of Rockport walking shoes. ‘Get a move on, Lucy. Time’s a-wastin’.’
    ‘Times a-wastin’? Are you feeling all right?’
    ‘Never felt better,’ Jake said with a cheeriness that struck Lucinda as false.
    ‘Jake, what is—’
    Jake emphatically pressed his index finger to his lips. ‘I’ll wait for you downstairs.’
    Lucinda watched him leave. She was totally perplexed but she knew the only way to get any answers was to pull on her shoes and meet him outside. And he was still wearing his suit. He was going to take a walk dressed like that? Something was wrong. Instead of waiting for the elevator, she took the stairs down. She wasn’t sure if it was any quicker but at least she wouldn’t be standing around doing nothing.
    ‘Jake?’ Lucinda said as she approached him.
    He put an arm around her shoulder and said, ‘Listen, I know you probably think I’m nuts. And I am probably being excessively paranoid. But when the Wicked Witch forms an alliance with her counterpart in the ATF, anything is possible.’
    ‘You think they bugged our apartment?’
    ‘It’s possible.’
    ‘The Wicked Witch has my home address, and from what I saw of the two of them today, I’m sure she’d have no reluctance about sharing that information with Deputy Director

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