A Cursed Bloodline (WG 4)
thought to attack me. Instead his teak-colored eyes watched me with pity. “Celia, the events in recent days have left you in an extremely fragile state. I don’t feel you’re the best person to care for Brendan—”
    “Or for any one of your wolves, right? Goddamn you, Martin—”
    Aric placed his hand over my mouth and grabbed me tight. Although I was Aric’s mate, that didn’t give me free rein to say what I pleased or disrespect Martin. Despite my anger, the familiarity of Aric’s arms abruptly unleashed my misery. I sobbed. Worse yet, I began to bleed when I attempted to break free from his hold.
    Aric lifted me and carried me to Koda’s SUV. “Emme, get over here! Her wounds are opening.” The other wolves quickly stowed the seats so everything lay flat. It was hard to struggle against Aric, but I panicked that Anara would know of our contact. “Stop fighting me,” he whispered in my ear. “Let me help you, baby.” I stopped thrashing, but the moment Aric released me, I tried to escape. Aric yanked me back and restrained my arms behind me. “Shayna, hold her legs—Taran, get her sweater off.”

    I yelped when Taran pulled at my clothing “Damnit, Aric. I’m hurting her. You’ll have to rip it off.”
    Aric tore off my clothes and growled hard enough to shake me. My sisters gasped in horror. “What’s happening?” Koda asked over his shoulder. He and Liam guarded the back of the vehicle.
    Fire sparked in Taran’s eyes. “Those assholes clawed her to shreds!”
    Gemini shoved a bottle of water and towels through the front. “Here. Take these.”
    Shayna slowly released my legs and began to wipe off the blood with the wet towels Taran handed her. “Ceel,” she said, her voice trembling. “Did they…?”
    “No, Shayna. I wasn’t raped.”
    Although I could still sense Aric’s anger, he relaxed slightly at the news.
    I followed Shayna’s movements. Deep gashes marred my breasts, chest, and neck. Misha would have had a field day. Emme touched me with tremulous hands. Her warm tears fell against my bare skin as she closed the gaping lacerations. If not for Aric’s gentle murmuring, I might have joined her.
    “Rest, sweetness. I’m here.”

    I allowed his words to melt against my battered soul. You’re here.
    “Trust me.”
    I trust you.
    “You’re safe now, no one can hurt you.”
    I stiffened. You’re wrong.
    Aric released my arms when Emme finished. I cringed away and dressed in the sweats Gemini tossed me. “I have to go get Bren,” I mumbled.
    I kept my arms crossed over my breasts, feeling violated. My breasts were emblematic of my womanhood. They were intimate body parts. And they’d been defiled by a monster.
    Aric and my sisters followed behind me. They kept speaking and asking me questions. I ignored them. Misha scowled at Aric when he saw him so close to me, but when he returned to his conversation with the Elders, his voice was calm. “You have my word as a master that no harm shall come to your wolf. My family will keep their distance and Ying-Ying and Chang will assist in his care.”
    I sighed with relief. Fantastic. Bring on the Gan Mao Ling. “Can we go, Misha?”
    “As you wish, my love. Hank?”
    Hank lifted Bren in his arms using great care, probably because his master and the Elders were watching. Aric’s glare followed him, but it wasn’t until Misha placed his arm around me that the growls that accompanied his glare turned challenging.
    “Let her go, Aric,” Makawee said softly.
    My sisters tried to say their goodbyes. I hurried away from them and chased down Hank. I was emotionally beaten and incapable of dealing with more of their questions. My prime concern was getting Bren to safety and finding a way out of this ever-worsening nightmare.

    Emme ran full out to catch us. “I’ll go back with them.”
    The vampires had formed a perimeter around the lot, using their mojo to alter the memories of the few humans walking the streets. They abandoned

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