Strawberry Shortcake Murder
    “You should know better than that, Mike. I’d never ignore your advice.” Hannah answered him truthfully, not voicing the other half of her thoughts. I considered your advice for a long time last night, and I came to the conclusion that you were wrong and I was right. And since Danielle doesn’t have anyone else on her side, you bet your buns I’m getting involved!

Chapter Five
    Hannah had just served the last of her early-morning customers when Lisa stuck her head around the swinging door that led to the bakery. “Hannah? I need you back here for a minute.”
    “I’ll be right back,” Hannah excused herself to Bertie Straub, the owner-operator of the Cut ‘n Curl Beauty Parlor, and headed for the back room. As she pushed through the door, she was surprised to see Delores sitting at the stainless-steel work counter, clutching her purse in her lap. She was dressed in a cranberry red wool skirt and sweater set that would have looked far too young on most of the matrons in Lake Eden, but it suited Delores perfectly. Her glossy dark hair was styled in a flattering layer cut, and her makeup was flawless. Hannah didn’t delude herself by thinking that Delores had dressed up to visit her at work. She knew that her mother had never set foot outside her door without being perfectly groomed and coifed. Delores Swensen always endeavored to be a perfect photo op, just waiting for the cameras to roll.
    “Mother?” Hannah was puzzled. On the rare occasions that Delores had visited The Cookie Jar, she’d always come in through the front door. “Is something wrong?”
    “No, dear. It’s just something I forgot to tell you on the phone this morning.” Delores turned to Lisa. “You can take over for Hannah in the shop for a minute, can’t you, Lisa?”
    Lisa smiled, catching the none-too-subtle hint that their conversation would be private. “Of course, Mrs. Swensen. Would you like a cookie? These Molasses Crackles just came out of the oven.”
    “No thank you, dear. They smell delicious, but I’m watching my calories. Christmas is coming, you know.”
    Hannah’s lips twitched. Delores had been a perfect size five when she’d married Hannah’s father and she was still a perfect size five. Most Lake Eden women who were past the half-century mark had relaxed a bit about their appearance, but Delores was determined to look as attractive as diet, professional hairstyling, specially formulated makeup, and cosmetic surgery could make her.
    The moment that Lisa had disappeared through the swinging door, Delores turned back to Hannah. “I was so rattled this morning when I heard about Boyd, I completely forgot the reason I called you.”
    “Oh?” Hannah picked up a warm cookie and tasted it, knowing full well that they were her mother’s favorites. “Are you sure you won’t have just one cookie, Mother?”
    Delores wavered. “Well… just one. But don’t tempt me with more. I have a lovely new dress for Christmas Eve, and it’s not going to fit if I gain weight.”
    “Here Mother.” Hannah handed her a cookie. “What did you want to tell me?”
    “I don’t think you should put all you eggs in one basket.”
    “I just want you to be careful, dear. I know you’re attracted to Mike, but it would be real shame to let a good prospect like Norman get away. Lucy Richards is after him, you know. Carrie told me last night.”
    “Lucy Richards? And Norman?” Hannah had trouble believing her ears. Sweet, funny Norman and the reporter who thought of herself as a female Bob Woodward were as unlikely a mix as oil and water. “Are they dating?”
    “Not yet, but Carrie said she dropped in at the clinic last week, and Norman was in his office with Lucy and the door was closed. After Lucy left, Carrie asked him about her, and Norman acted very secretive.”
    “Carrie asked him why he was in his office with Lucy, and he refused to tell her. There’s something going on, Hannah,

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