Bowles, Jan - Tamed by the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Free Bowles, Jan - Tamed by the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) by Jan Bowles

Book: Bowles, Jan - Tamed by the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) by Jan Bowles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Bowles
good effect, and she couldn’t help noticing, Sheriff Bunty let his gaze linger a little longer than necessary on her exposed cleavage. “Kat, you’re right, it has been a long time. Almost eighteen years I reckon.” He lifted his hat from his head momentarily. “I’m real sorry to hear about your mother. She was a lovely, gentle lady.”
    Kat nodded. “Yes, she was, but I didn’t see you at the funeral, Sheriff.”
    “Public duties prevented it. I did send some flowers, wrote the card myself, too.”
    Kat remembered the bouquet of flowers placed on her mother’s casket with the simple words, You’ll be greatly missed, all my respect, Abe . It was hardly a great send-off for someone who’d shared her mother’s bed for the best part of ten years.
    “I heard you were working here,” he said after a long pause.
    “That’s right,” she answered defensively. She’d never trusted the cops and least of all Sheriff Bunty. “There’s not a law against working here is there, Sheriff?”
    “That depends on what you do here.” He looked smug as he studied her.
    Aware that he’d just insulted her, she smiled sweetly. It wouldn’t do to sound off. “I don’t need to justify myself to you, Sheriff.”
    “I’d just like to take a look around.”
    “I’d like to see that everything is legal and aboveboard.” Colt had warned her that the potbellied lawman had been making a nuisance of himself. She figured, as Fairfax was a pretty law abiding town, the old guy just had time on his hands and most likely dropped in to Club Fusion on the off chance of seeing some young naked flesh.
    “You got a warrant, Sheriff?” She knew the guests wouldn’t like a cop in uniform snooping around. Many of them did not want their real identity known, choosing to use pseudonyms instead. They certainly did not want their sexual preferences made public knowledge.
    “Do I need one? This is just a friendly visit. Me and Colt go way back, honey.”
    “Sorry, Sheriff, I’m under strict orders from Colt not to let anyone go into the club without his permission. I’m afraid our guests here at Club Fusion wouldn’t appreciate their evening being disturbed.”
    The Sheriff looked impatient. “Perhaps, I should speak with your boss, honey. This is man business.”
    Kat bristled at his sexist comment, but she didn’t take the bait. “He’s in the club. Wait here, while I get him.”
    “Fine. You just run along and do that, sweetie. Tell Colt I want to speak to him, now.”
    Kat turned abruptly from the lawman and walked away. She opened the door and strode into the bar area. Club Fusion had become even more popular in just the short time she’d worked here. Every week there’d be new customers coming through the doors. They wore anything from leather trousers to slave gear and chains.
    Kat had done plenty of research in the past few weeks. She’d read nearly everything worth reading on the Internet. Some of it was not to her taste, but she had to admit it intrigued her. The idea that she’d allow Colt total control over her made her pussy go wet. The thought that he would be wholly responsible for her needs and basic desires had begun to consume her. Colt excited her like no other man. She wanted to be mastered and controlled by him. In truth, she had fallen in love with him. What better way to show that love than to give herself entirely to his care? There was just one nagging doubt. Did she trust him enough in order to let go completely? She’d stopped trusting men years ago when they’d taken advantage of her generous nature. So why should Colt be any different?
    Maybe she’d approach him later and discuss her thoughts. Their relationship had developed recently. Since he’d told her about the loss of his own child a month ago, she’d slowly opened up to him. Little by little, she’d told him nearly everything. There were just a few things she’d left out. Like the money she still owed. It bugged her because

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