In the Distance

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Book: In the Distance by Eileen Griffin, Nikka Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eileen Griffin, Nikka Michaels
already said. There was a part of me that knew I was being a selfish bastard for asking him to leave just so I could get my party on, but a larger part of me was simply hurt. As much as I knew I was no longer in love with Jamie, a huge part of me still mourned the friend who had been by my side for eight long years.
    “I’m really happy for you. I knew you and Natalie would be a great fit. And I want to celebrate, just not tonight during the middle of a rush. Why don’t we plan on breakfast at Oddfellows?”
    When I finally met his gaze, his eyes said what he couldn’t. That if I was truly his friend, truly happy he and Ethan were together and their restaurant was flourishing, I wouldn’t make this harder than it had to be.
    I was saved from making a total whining ass out of myself when Tyler approached us on the way to the locker room, his hands already untying the apron, a normal white one, from around his waist. The kid looked like he’d rather be anywhere than near us. He kept his eyes forward, not even pausing when Jamie reached out and patted him on the back as he passed. Tyler ducked his head, but I still caught his smile before he entered the back room.
    When he was gone, I crossed my arms over my chest and turned my attention back to Jamie. “Will it just be the two of us at breakfast? Or will your better half be gracing our presence by bringing his own personal ray of sunshine with him, complete with his surlier-than-thou attitude?”
    “Ethan will love that description of him, but no, it’ll just be the two of us.”
    “Shit, is he still holding a grudge about what happened last year? What do I have to do to show him all that crap is behind us? I swear I’ll be on my best—”
    “Hey, it’s not that.” He cut me off by placing his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently. “Trust me, he’s over it. He doesn’t really have a choice but to get over it. I might have married him, but you’re still my best friend.”
    Just then, Tyler walked out of the back room dressed in a green long-sleeved thermal shirt and black jeans, his chef whites and apron nowhere in sight. An idea suddenly popped into my head.
    Without taking my eyes off Tyler, I casually said, “No worries, J. Breakfast tomorrow sounds great. Hey, Tyler. Wanna celebrate my good news with me tonight? My treat.”
    The look of surprise on his face was priceless.
    “Um, I’m not sure. I just got off a double.”
    “Perfect timing. I was just leaving myself. I already have a reservation at a place I’ve been wanting to try while I’m here, but since Jamie here has denied my request to wine and dine him, and I can’t very well wine and dine myself, you can join me so I don’t look like an utter moron when I try to toast myself.”
    “I’m not sure. I mean, I don’t want to put you out. I know you probably have someone else you’d rather—”
    He looked uncomfortable and I felt like a jerk. I was opening my mouth to tell him it was fine if he needed to go home, but then Jamie spoke up.
    “Trevor, I’m sure Tyler is tired after working a double. We’ll celebrate tomorrow morning.”
    “Actually, I’m not that tired.” Tyler’s face no longer had that deer-in-the-headlights expression. Now he just looked pissed.
    “Sorry, folks,” Ethan butted in, “but in case you haven’t noticed, it’s Saturday night and we’re getting slammed. So, if you’ll excuse us, Trustfund, I need my husband’s help before all our asses are in the weeds. And you,” he said, pointing to Tyler, “need to head home and get some rest. Pulling double shifts on top of studying for final exams is a surefire way to run your ass down. Sorry, Trustfund, but your ass isn’t worth him getting sick.”
    What in the actual fuck?
    I turned to give Ethan a big ole
fuck you
for even insinuating I’d do anything to harm Tyler, but Tyler beat me to the punch when he turned and stuck out his chin defiantly in Ethan’s direction.
    “I’m not run-down. It’s

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