Immortals (Runes book 2)

Free Immortals (Runes book 2) by Ednah Walters

Book: Immortals (Runes book 2) by Ednah Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ednah Walters
most. It doesn’t matter what you’re willing to give up. They always know what to go for. Not even the gods make deals with the Norns. I knew this Valkyrie…”
    Those lying, sneaky crones. They hadn’t just erased Torin’s memories to make me suffer. They’d taken away his heart’s most desire. Me. The deal Torin had made was for my life to be spared in exchange for eternal servitude to Hel or evil Norns. Instead of servitude, they’d taken his memories away. Yet they’d known I wasn’t meant to die. It was all a lie. Just wait until I see them again.
    “Oh, sorry.” I gave her an apologetic smile. “Can you repeat what you just said?”
    Something flashed in her eyes. Annoyance or disappointment, I couldn’t tell. “Is something wrong?”
    “No. Every time someone mentions Norns, I remember my interactions with them. Not my happiest memories.”
    She squeezed my arm. “I understand. I might not know the details of what you went through, but I know how Norns work. Maybe one day you’ll share your experience with me.”
    I doubted it. “Sure.”
    “Okay, back to Eirik’s story. To protect him, the Norns suggested he should be sent to Earth to be raised as a Mortal, his location kept a secret from everyone, including his grandparents. The Norns promised he’d be showered with love, never want for anything.”
    I laughed. “Have you met his parents? They’re cold and…” I remembered who I was talking to and winced. “Sorry, I interrupted.”
    The smile disappeared from Lavania’s face. “Don’t be. I like that you speak your mind, Raine. Your mother told me you and Eirik are very close.”
    I smiled. “Yes. My parents treat him like a son. He probably spends more time here than at his house.”
    “Then the Norns were right. He got all the love and caring from your family and the material things came from his Immortal guardians.”
    If that was her polite way of saying we were richer in love and poorer in material things, she’d nailed it. Eirik’s parents were loaded. Their new house at the top of the hill was huge. Even their old house was bigger than most of the houses in our cul-de-sac.
    “Anyway,” Lavania leaned back and smiled, “that’s the story of how our young deity came here.”
    It explained the way Eirik and I were practically raised together and Mom’s friendship with his aloof parents. What I still didn’t understand was what the Norns had meant by he was the reason they’d saved my life.
    “Do Torin and the others know who Eirik is?”
    “Of course not. I recognized him because I knew his father.”
    Maliina, Andris’ ex-girlfriend, had suspected something. It was the only explanation for the way she’d behaved the first time she’d seen Eirik. She’d asked him all sorts of personal questions about his background, almost like she’d known he wasn’t human. At the time I thought she was trying to hurt him to get back at me.
    “Who is Eirik’s mother?”
    Lavania shook her head. “Sadly, no one knows.”
    “I do,” a familiar voice said, and I looked up. Eirik stepped into the room, using the mirror as a portal. How much had he heard? I couldn’t tell from his expression.  
    “What are you doing here?” I asked, getting up. “I thought you had swim practice.”
    “I didn’t go.” His gaze shifted to Lavania. “So that’s the big secret? I’m Odin’s grandson? Or is it the scary boogeyman after me?”
    Lavania moved away from the sofa and toward him. She looked worried. “If your guardians didn’t tell you the truth, it’s because they were following orders, Eirik.”
    Something else occurred to me. “Are you going to get in trouble for telling us, Lavania?”
    She cocked her eyebrows. “Are you going to tell that I told you?”
    “No.” I shook my head.
    “Then the secret stays with us. Do you have any questions for me, Eirik?” she asked.
    “Nope.” He headed toward the kitchen. I noticed he only wore socks.
    “I can

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