Desired and Dominated

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Book: Desired and Dominated by Eva Simone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Simone
were. We’ve not really defined it, and…” She hesitates.
    “And what?”
    “I didn’t think you were a girlfriend kind of guy.”
    “I’m not. But I’ll make an exception for you. I’m breaking all my own rules with you already, one more won’t make a difference.”
    She extricates herself from my arms, smoothing her hair and adjusting her top as she sits back down across from me. She grasps her coffee in both hands, staring into its depths as if it will give her some answers before she opens her mouth to speak.
    “What do you mean, you’re breaking all your own rules with me?”
    Her gaze is hesitant, her demeanor wary.
    “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I guess I’m just doing things differently with you than I have with anyone in the past. It’s not important.”
    “It is if you’re not happy. I don’t want you to feel like you can’t be yourself with me. I don’t want you to change because of me. I like you the way you are.”
    I reach across and take both of her hands in mine, caressing my thumbs over her knuckles. “Sofia, I want to change for you. I want to be better. I want to treat you the way you deserve. The guy I’ve been up until now wasn’t good enough for you, and I intend to be a man that is worthy of you…someday. Trust me when I tell you that you would not want to be with the guy I was before.” A part of me craves the opportunity to make her a part of the lifestyle. She would be an exquisite submissive; but a better part of me, the part that is winning out right now, wants to protect her from it, and never let her see that darker, hidden side of myself.
    “I would want to be with you no matter what. I long to be with the man you are, the man you were; every part of you. The parts of yourself that you think aren’t worthy of me, are the parts that draw me to you, the parts that I want you to share with me.” She holds my gaze, as if she’s trying to convey some unspoken understanding to me.
    I need to change the subject before I confess everything to her and watch what we have fall apart before my eyes. “You better drink your coffee before it gets cold. So, when are you going to be in New York again after this weekend? I want to make sure that I’m not on another business trip when you fly in.”
    “Two weeks.” Her gaze drops; her disappointment at my change of subject, evident. “I’ll be back in two weeks and I’ll be staying for close to three weeks before I have to fly back out to Europe.”
    “I get you all to myself for almost three weeks? You’ve made my year with that little tidbit of information. The things I could do to you in that time.” I wink at her, and watch as she melts, her annoyance forgotten, excitement at the prospect of our time together taking over.
    “Promises, promises.”
    “I always keep my promises, Sofia.”
    “Well then, I look forward to it.”
    We fall into an easy conversation, flirting and chatting, and enjoying each other’s company while we can. Our legs tangle together under the table, maintaining some sort of physical contact until the announcement for my flight to board comes over the tannoy. I’m devastated that our two hours are gone already, a pain taking up residence in my chest as Sofia disentangles her legs and stands from the table.
    “Guess it’s time to turn back into a pumpkin.”
    I stand and pull her into my arms, resting my chin on her head. “You’ll always be a princess to me.” I kiss her hair, inhaling her scent, needing my fix before I have to leave her again. She holds onto me as if her life depends on it, and I can’t make my feet move. I can’t bring myself to let go and leave her behind.
    She’s the one that finally breaks free, putting some distance between us. “You better go. You don’t want to miss your flight.”
    I take her hand in mine as I lift our bags. “I want to miss my flight more than anything in the world right now. I can’t stand the thought of leaving you.”
    She takes

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