Desired and Dominated

Free Desired and Dominated by Eva Simone

Book: Desired and Dominated by Eva Simone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Simone
wait, I now have a twelve hour wait, but it means I get to spend two hours with you before your next flight. I figured it was worth the trade-off.”
    “You’re incredible. I can’t believe you did that for me.”
    “You’re worth the wait.” I can see in her eyes that she doesn’t just mean today, and it slays me. I’ve wanted her for so long, I have to pinch myself to believe that this is real, that she’s real, and she wants to be with me.
    I sling my arm around her shoulder, pick up both of our bags, and pull her into my side. “Let’s make the most of our two hours then. Would you like to go for coffee with me, Ms. Mantovani?”
    A mischievous grin creeps across her face. “I’d love to, Mr. Callaghan. Lead the way. I’m yours to command.”
    Fuck me! I’m hard from hearing her say those four little words, ‘I’m yours to command.’ If I didn’t know better, I would worry that she knew about me. She couldn’t have picked a sexier phrase to say to me if she tried. I caress my hand down her side and give her ass a sharp, short, smack. “Be careful what you say, little one, I might just take you up on that.”
    We weave our way through the crowds, the tension between us a palpable force; every nerve ending in my body alight with desire for her.
    I find a quiet corner for us to sit in, set down our bags and head up to order us some drinks. An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach as I walk away from her. She’s no more than 20ft away, but I feel the distance, and I don’t like it. I only have two hours with her. I haven’t seen her in months, and that last encounter was a brief tryst outside Brandon’s apartment building. I want to be touching her every moment that we have together, even if it’s only holding her hand. Being around her makes me feel…whole. I don’t know how to explain it. I’ve never felt that around another person before. She causes a physical reaction inside of me, like she’s altering my very DNA when I’m in her presence. It’s both disconcerting and completely electrifying.
    As I wait in line, I can’t take my eyes off of her. The woman behind me attempts to strike up a conversation with some flirtatious innuendo, but she’s not even on my radar. I drag my gaze from Sofia just long enough to politely decline the woman next to me, and when I find her again, she’s smiling at me, shaking her head in mock disappointment.
    When I finally return with coffee and croissants, her first words are, “I can’t take you anywhere without women throwing themselves at you.” She’s mocking me, but I detect a hint of possessiveness. “How do you ever get anything done? You can’t even buy a coffee without being accosted by hot women. It must be so difficult looking like you do. A true hardship.”
    I let her ramble, making herself blush with embarrassment in the process, while I set down our coffee and plates and discard the tray on the empty table beside us. I take a moment to enjoy her small show of jealousy, taking a sip of my coffee before I put her mind at rest.
    “Firstly, you’re right, it’s a curse being this hot. You understand why women want me so badly though, you’re one of them!” She leans across the table to slap me on the arm, which is totally adorable. “Secondly, it’s easy to fend them off these days, I just tell them I have a girlfriend. End of story.”
    She almost chokes on her coffee, spraying it all over me. “Oh God, Nate, I’m so sorry. She immediately jumps out of her seat and starts trying to clean me up with napkins, but I’m too busy laughing to care.
    “You are so cute when you’re worked up. I didn’t realize calling you my girlfriend would get such a…reaction from you. Is it really that big a shock?” Her hands stop dead on my chest, the napkin scrunched into a ball in her fist. I pull her down onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her. “Don’t you want me to call you that?”
    “I…I like it. I just didn’t know what we

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