The Break (The Aesir Saga Book 1)

Free The Break (The Aesir Saga Book 1) by Mitch Barone

Book: The Break (The Aesir Saga Book 1) by Mitch Barone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mitch Barone
tired of playing around with these kids. The suit was at Mach 1 and he was finally making progress toward them. His arms outstretched, ready to make the grab. He had zoned in on the girl, trying to get as close as he could. While giving everything he could to move closer, Marcus had stopped paying attention to the other kid. Just when he was finally in range, the target had pulled the girl out of the way, freeing him of her resistance.
    Before he had time to kill the power to the thrusters, he smashed into the back wall and through another building. He tumbled as he continued through the buildings insides, destroying everything in his path. When he burst through the outside wall, he had no control as he spiraled toward the water. The last wall had jarred the Maiden enough to cause a malfunction. Marcus decided it wasn’t worth the fight, powering completely off as he hit the water, quickly sinking to the bottom.
                  After ten minutes of running diagnostics he was finally able to get the suit powered up enough to use the radio.
    “Maiden to HQ.” there was a long pause before he heard a response. 
    “HQ here, go ahead Maiden.”
    “Current location is the bottom of the ocean.
    Target has escaped. The Maiden developed a fault, currently in safe mode. I think you’re going to have to come get me.”
    “Where is the target at?” Williams broke in.
    “Last seen at my location. No idea where they are headed.”
    “Fuck!” was the last thing Marcus heard from the other side before a long pause of radio silence.
    “I’m fine, thanks for asking. I guess I’ll just wait here. Whenever you want to come get me, I got nowhere to go.”
    The connection was back to life. “Shut up Marcus, we’re headed to the docks now, should have you out in about thirty minutes. Please tell me you got an image of the girl that was helping him?”
    “Oh yeah, I was face to face with her for a while. Got a real clean picture. As soon as we are back I can load it to the system, hopefully get some hits.” 
    “Well, I guess it’s not a total loss. Like I said, we’ll be there in about thirty minutes. Hold fast.” The line went dead. Since he had some time before they were on site, Marcus decided to close his eyes and catch up on some sleep.
                  Madison and Gabriel were at a dead sprint when they reached the final block. They stopped at the curb, looking for their pick up. It was already dark outside, and soon they wouldn’t be able to see anything. Madison looked around franticly as Gabriel tried to catch his breath. 
    “Where are they?” She bit her lower lip as she looked around, finally seeing the headlights pull around the corner and stop right in front of them. Madison had the doors open and was already climbing in when Gabriel dove into the back seat, shutting the door behind them.
    “GO GO GO” was all Madison said as they sped away from the city. Gabriel propped himself up and buckled his seatbelt, something he would be doing more since the run in with the COSMOS. Gabriel took a second to look over their driver. Even with him seated behind the wheel, Gabriel could tell he was tall. But that wasn’t the thing that Gabriel noticed first. This dude was jacked; the muscles in his neck gave him the look of someone who didn’t have one. He must have drank a gallon of steroids for breakfast every day. The only way to describe him would be to call him a Mr. Universe contestant, with his muscles obviously visible without even the tiniest bit of effort.  
    “Hey bro, names Brock.” The driver said, his eyes in the rearview mirror on Gabriel. “We got a little bit of a drive, so why don’t you catch some sleep till we get there.”
    “Yeah, I could use some rest after today.” Gabriel did feel tired, leaning his head against the door frame he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. After a few minutes, Gabriel woke up, and could hear Madison and Brock talking.

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