Wild Ride

Free Wild Ride by Opal Carew

Book: Wild Ride by Opal Carew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Opal Carew
you grab a beer and we’ll put a movie on?”
    “I don’t drink beer.”
    “There are vodka coolers in there, too.”
    She opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle, then opened it and followed him into the living room.  She walked to one of the armchairs.
    “Sit on the couch.”  He grabbed a movie and slid it into the player, then sat on the couch and patted the spot beside him.
    She perched on the edge and glanced at him.  “I’m cold.”
    “We can turn up the heat.”  He grinned.  “Or I could warm you up.”
    She settled onto the couch beside him.  “I’ll survive.”  She sipped her drink then set it on the table in front of them.  After a few moments, however, he noticed she casually snuggled in close to his body for warmth.
    They watched the movie together, her naked on the couch beside him, keeping him at a constant state of arousal.  When the timer went off, indicating that dinner was ready, his cock ached so badly he was almost ready to tell her to get dressed.
    * * *
    Marissa added dressing to the salad and tossed it, then served up a big helping of the casserole onto a large plate for him, with salad in a heap beside it, and a more modest amount for herself.  She carried the plates and cutlery to the living room and set his in front of him.
    Sitting beside him totally naked watching a movie, with him fully clothed beside her, had her highly aroused.  She had expected him to command her to do something sexual.  At least to suck his big cock, but instead he’d simply watched the movie as if he hadn’t even known she was there, let alone sitting beside him in the nude.  She’d had to fight the urge to stroke her nipples, as much to entice him as to give in to their need to be touched.
    But she had held herself back.
    She wasn’t sure if it was because she wanted to please him by being totally submissive, or because she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of letting him know she was aroused.
    He began to eat as they continued to watch the movie.
    “This is very good,” he said.
    “Thank you.”  His praise pleased her more than she would have thought.
    They continued to eat in silence and once they were done, she gathered up the plates and carried them into the kitchen.  She started running the water to wash the dishes.
    “Leave those.”
    She turned off the tap.  As she returned to the living room, she noticed he’d started another movie.
    “Come over here,” he said.
    As she stepped close, he gestured to the floor.  “Sit here, by my knee.”
    She sank onto the floor in front of the couch and sat down, her legs to one side.  He drew her back until she leaned against his knee.  As they watched the movie, periodically he would run his hand over her hair, and sometimes he ran his fingers along the side of her neck in an affectionate caress, sending tingles through her.
    She found herself longing for his touch.  She could barely concentrate on the movie, willing him to stroke her again.  Willing him to want her.
    Finally, the movie came to an end and she was primed for what was to come.  Would he command her to stroke his big cock?  Or was he as turned on as she was and would push her flat on the floor and mount her with one deep thrust, then drive her to ecstasy?
    As the credits rolled by, he flicked the television off.
    “I’m heading for bed.”  He stood up and she stood, too, anticipation welling inside her.  “After you finish the dishes, you can go to bed, too.  I’ll be in the master bedroom at the end of the hall.  You can sleep in either of the other two bedrooms.”
    Shock vaulted through her at his words.  He didn’t want to ravage her in a fit of horny need?  Had her nakedness had no affect on him whatsoever?
    But she was sure she’d seen a bulge in those jeans of his.
    Maybe.  She thought she had when he’d stood up.
    It didn’t really matter.  Whether he had or hadn’t, he was banishing her to do dishes then sleep in another

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