Epic Of Palins 01 - Dagger Star

Free Epic Of Palins 01 - Dagger Star by Elizabeth Vaughan

Book: Epic Of Palins 01 - Dagger Star by Elizabeth Vaughan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Vaughan
humor in her eye that saved him. Josiah relaxed. “‘Little’ cousin? You have only a year on me, Evie.”
    Evie looked up into his eyes and gave him her rare impish grin. “To think I towered over you when we were smaller.”
    Josiah sighed. “That was a long time ago, Evie.”
    Her eyes softened, and she reached out her hand to cup his cheek. She raised an eyebrow, silently repeating her question.
    He shrugged, and looked at her feet. “It’s a long story, Evie.”
    She puffed out a breath and lowered her hand. “To be certain. And it would be, when you know that I must not be late for services.” She lifted the lantern, and walked past him toward the shrine. “But I will want the full tale later, when I return.”
    He watched as she walked within the shrine, and noted that the shadows moved as she placed the lantern on the floor. He retreated down the path.
    The goats bleated as they came to stand around him.
    “She’s gone,” Josiah said softly, “but she will be back.”
    They walked down together, and entered the ruins. The area was empty, except for the lantern on the floor.
    Josiah lifted the lantern. But before he turned to leave, the light caught the stylized sun on the back wall, and it refracted the light all about, banishing the shadows around him.

    RED met him at the door of the hut. Josiah suspected that she waited for him. “Well,” she demanded, “did it work?”
    He pushed open the door.
    Bethral was half-seated on the bed, her arm around the slave’s shoulders, supporting his head, a mug in her other hand. Her smile was bright as she looked at them. “He swallowed.”
    Red stepped in behind Josiah. “He doesn’t look any better,” she said. “Those wounds are still open.”
    “Evie said the magic went deep within, where it was needed most,” Josiah explained.
    Bethral nodded. “I’m to get as much liquid in him as I can. She wants him to void his bladder.”
    “And soil the bed, no doubt.” Red wrinkled her nose. “I’d have thought she’d have done more.”
    “There are limits,” Josiah growled. “She will be back later today. I suggest we eat, and take turns seeing to him.”
    “We should sleep as well,” Red pointed out. “We’re all tired. We can take watches and share in the burden. There still might be pursuit. I’ll watch first.”
    “Bethral, get some sleep, I’ll sit with him for a while.” Josiah offered.
    Bethral smiled and nodded. She stood and stretched. “I’ll curl up here, on my bedroll. In case you need me.”
    “Won’t that be cozy?” Red snorted, and made for the door. “Guess I’d better go fill in that grave, then.”
    Her words were harsh, but Josiah didn’t miss the obvious relief in her eyes just before she closed the door.

    “WHY did I let you talk me into this, Evelyn?”
    Red’s lips narrowed as she watched Evie lead a blindfolded man out of the ruined shrine. Josiah had told her to wait here for her, and that she would be bringing help. But Red didn’t like the man’s looks, or his tone of voice. He was tall, towering over Evie, with long black hair that flowed down his back. He was dressed as a priest of Palins, but his voice was—
    “We are only supposed to heal with the approval of the Church.” The man spoke again as he stumbled on the doorsill. “Are you even being paid?”

    Whiny. Definitely whiny.
    Evie reached out to steady the man, and took his arm. “Dominic, you know they can’t all afford to pay.”
    The man recovered his balance and looked damned arrogant while he was doing it. Red curled her lip.
    “Some commoner, then,” Dominic sniffed as Evie drew him down the path. “Really, Evelyn, you go off to the worst hovel at the first suggestion of a need. All some lowlife has to do is snivel that he is ill, and off you go, no questions asked, no permissions granted.”
    Evie looked apologetically at Red as they neared. “Dominic, you know that is not—”
    “Who is there?” Dominic stiffened,

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