
Free Hitched by Karpov Kinrade

Book: Hitched by Karpov Kinrade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karpov Kinrade
restaurant and go our separate ways. I'd driven here with her, and I'm apparently leaving with Sebastian.
    "Where would you like me to fuck you tonight?" he asks.
    His words send a shiver through my body, and I think for a moment before responding. "Your house."

Chapter 12
    He pauses. "My house?"
    I nod. "You asked me for the summer. I'm giving you the summer. But that means tit for tat. You've seen my house; I want to see yours."
    "Fair enough," he says.
    He holds my hand as we continue walking to his car. His hand practically swallows mine. It's big and warm, and when I think about how it feels to have those fingers roaming my body, something clenches inside me, and I hope that he doesn't live too far away.
    The night is surprisingly cool, and I press in closer to him, enjoying his warmth and the chill in the air.
    Normally I skip car rides. They are usually pretty boring, wouldn't you agree? But this drive is anything but boring.
    It starts with his right hand on my knee. My skin burns at his touch, greedy for more.
    As he drives, his hand moves up my thigh, under my skirt and between my legs. I suck in my breath as his fingers brush over my panties, teasing my pussy with gentle movement.
    "Wait," I say, "I want to fuck in your bed."
    "And we will, but I need your pussy now, Kacie." Grinning, he massages my clit through the fabric.
    "Sebastian… " My words cut off as I get lost in the ecstasy of his fingers.
    His fingers slip under satin and penetrate me.
    I bite down on my lip, stopping myself from crying out.
    "Don't hold back, darling. Never hold back with me," he says.
    And I let myself cry out. "Fuck. Sebastian." His fingers feel so good, but there's one more thing I want to know. "Did I—"
    "Darling, we can talk later, but right now, I need something from you."
    "I need you lips around my cock, Kacie."
    I want to finish my question, but my hand trails up his muscled leg to his already hard cock, and I remember how good he tastes.
    "Kacie, I need you."
    Fuck. That settles it.
    As he fingers my pussy, rubbing against my clit only enough to tease without release, I unzip his jeans and free his cock. As we're stopped at a red light, I lean over his lap and take him into my mouth. He moans, one hand between my legs still as the other grips my head.
    "Fuck, Kacie. You know how crazy you make me?"
    I don't answer, because my mouth is full of cock, but I suck harder, stroking and licking as I look up at him.
    When the light turns green, cars behind us honk, and he pulls off the road as I continue to suck and lick. I can feel his body tense, and his finger inside me moves harder, pushing me deeper into a spiral of pleasure even as I bring him to the brink.
    "I need you to take me as deep as you can," he says.
    I take him almost completely, his cock filling my throat. Then I pull back a little. And with another lick I send him over the edge. His come is hot in my mouth, and I swallow it all, licking the rest off his shaft and tip as his fingertips dig into my scalp.
    When I sit up, he shudders, his smile slow and sexy, and continues playing with my pussy, rubbing my clit until I too climax, my muscles tensing, body going tight as a wave of pleasure floods me.
    We're silent for several moments, holding each other, lost in our own thoughts. "Wow," is all I can say.
    "My sentiments exactly," he says.
    We tug our clothes back in place, and he starts the car and pulls back into traffic.
    There's been something on my mind since the nigh we met, and so I ask the question I really want to know, have been curious about since I woke up in his arms and realized we were married.
    "The night we got married… did we? Did I? Did you? Um… did we say the 'L' word at any point?" Oh God, I sound like a moron.
    "Which 'L' word would that be?" I can hear the teasing in his voice, and I know I deserve it.
    "You know what word I'm talking about. Did we profess our love to each

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