Everything She Wanted

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Authors: Jennifer Ryan
to kill my husband on the very day he asks for a divorce?”
    “Sometimes the obvious is the right answer,” the detective shot back. “It’s a simple matter to rule you out. Provide your fingerprints and a DNA sample.”
    Alert now, Mrs. Faraday eyed the detective. “Of course we will,as soon as you present a warrant to my lawyer. We’re done here. Please leave.”
    The detective stood and handed her his business card. “I’ll be in touch. If you have questions or information related to your husband’s murder, please let me know.” The detective took two steps away before turning back. “Those are some nasty bruises on your jaw and ribs, Evan. How did you get those?”
    “Bar fight.”Evan didn’t even blink, but turned and stared down Ben, daring him with a look to contradict that’s how he got the bruises.
    “I bet they hurt like hell.” Detective Raynott cocked his head and plastered on a thoughtful look. “Kate told me her sister, Margo, was an expert kickboxer. I bet she got a few licks in before that bastard shot her in the head.”
    “Maybe if she’d been better, my fatherwould still be alive,” Evan said under his breath.
    Mrs. Faraday snapped her head in Evan’s direction and glared.
    Detective Raynott gave Ben a look. The show of remorse surprised even Ben. He expected the cocky, arrogant asshole who’d done everything, including buying off Ben’s clients to get out of going to jail, not someone with . . . feelings. Killing his father went far beyond a drunkenbrawl.
    How long would Evan’s remorse last? Would he confess? Not likely. Not with all that money on the line. Not with the possibility of life in prison and the death penalty looming over his head if he couldn’t pull off a miracle. No way he bought his way out of this mess if they found evidence that proved he killed his father and Margo.
    “About the child. Alex?” Mrs. Faraday asked, andthe detective nodded she got the name right. “If he’s my husband’s son, then perhaps it’s best if he’s here with Evan and me. Evan is his brother after all.”
    “Alex will remain with his aunt. She will take care of him and oversee his inheritance until he comes of age,” Ben swore.
    “Well, we’ll see about that.” Mrs. Faraday tilted her chin up. “If he is my husband’s son, then Evan and I willwant to protect his interests as they are ours as well.”
    “Be assured, Kate and I will protect Alex. Someone already took his parents.” Ben stared down Evan, then turned his glare back to Mrs. Faraday. “No one will take anything more from him.” He echoed Kate’s earlier vow.
    Evan leaned forward. “So, it’s you and Kate, huh? I can’t wait to meet her.”
    The implied threat in those innocuouswords sent a bolt of rage through Ben’s system. “Stay away from her.”
    “I’d like to meet my brother.” Evan’s cocky grin said he really wanted to meet Kate just to piss off Ben.
    “I doubt Kate will bring him to see you in jail.”
    “I’m slick, man, nothing sticks to me. Ask my lawyers. Oh, wait, you already know that.”
    “We’ll see about that. Your father isn’t here to make it all go awayanymore.”
    Evan fell back into his seat and plastered on a fake air of arrogance with his arms crossed over his chest in a defensive gesture Ben relished.
    “There’s nothing to make go away,” Mrs. Faraday defended her son. “Evan had nothing to do with what happened to Donald and that woman.” She turned her cold eyes on Detective Raynott. “Shouldn’t you be out looking for the person or personsresponsible for this heinous crime?”
    Detective Raynott smiled. “I’ll contact you once I have that warrant for your prints and DNA.” He eyed Evan again. “Of course, we already have your prints from the numerous times you were arrested.”
    “Get out.” The deadly tone in Evan’s quiet words brought a smile to Ben’s lips he couldn’t contain. They’d made Evan nervous. Good. He’d botched the

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