Everything She Wanted

Free Everything She Wanted by Jennifer Ryan

Book: Everything She Wanted by Jennifer Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Ryan
slurred, her bloodshot eyes darting from the detective to Ben and back again. She picked and pulled at the hem of her short red silk robe gaping open at her chest. If she bentforward even the slightest bit, her ample breasts would fall out of the bodice barely holding her in. She’d gotten ready for bed, but hadn’t actually gone yet, judging by the nearly full glass of wine in her hand. The lights were on in the living room. A fire burned bright in the fireplace. He couldn’t see more than the sofa and fireplace, but he bet there was a near empty bottle, or two, of wineon the coffee table.
    Detective Raynott stepped forward, getting Mrs. Faraday to move back and let them in. She didn’t so much invite them as had no choice but to stand her ground or move out of the way.
    “Are you home alone, Mrs. Faraday?” the detective asked, knowing Evan had to be here with his car parked outside.
    “My son and I had dinner together. He’s asleep in his room upstairs.”
    “Will you please get him for us?”
    “You said this is about my husband, not Evan. Why do you need to see him?”
    “We have news about your husband and it might be easier if you have your son with you when we tell it.”
    “What’s happened to Donald? He’s dead, isn’t he?”
    “Yes, ma’am, I’m sorry to say he is.”
    Tears welled in her eyes, but didn’t spill over. The surprise Ben expected,even if faked, didn’t show through her drunk-­hazed gaze.
    “He’s really gone.” The words sounded far off, like she didn’t really speak to them, but more herself.
    Interesting. Telling.
    “Yes. I’m sorry to say he is.” The detective answered the statement that wasn’t a question.
    “I’ll get Evan.” She turned for the stairs, wobbly on her unsteady legs. She reached out to the round tablein the middle of the massive foyer to steady herself, shaking the huge glass vase filled with orange, yellow, and red flowers. Their sweet scent filled the air. Christina actually put the wineglass down and headed up the stairs, lost in her thoughts and not particularly in a hurry to get Evan.
    “She didn’t ask how he died,” Ben pointed out.
    “I’m guessing she already knows. But yeah, that’snot normal. Most ­people want to know how it happened. Why. When. Who’s responsible.”
    Ben grimaced. “She’s so drunk, she’s about ready to pass out.”
    “Let’s see if sonny-­boy is any better off.”
    Ben and the detective waited in silence for nearly ten minutes for the Faradays to appear. They strained to hear even a murmur from the two upstairs, but heard nothing. Mrs. Faraday must havehad a devil of a time getting Evan out of bed. The man looked wrecked, his eyes red-­rimmed and swollen. He pulled a white T-­shirt over his head and down his torso, covering the bruises on his side.
    Detective Raynott glanced at Ben to see if he’d seen them too.
    Evan walked down the stairs behind his mother. His eyes squinted with pain with each step though he tried to hide it. Ben kepta close study, not missing anything. Even the smallest detail could be the key to taking the scumbag down.
    “What’s going on? My mother said you’re here because my father is dead,” Evan said, raking his fingers through his disheveled hair.
    “I’m sorry to inform you that your father was found murdered tonight,” the detective said, pausing to watch their response.
    Both Faradays’ eyes wentwide with surprise a second before they exchanged a look.
    “Murdered?” Mrs. Faraday asked.
    “I’m afraid so.”
    “Maybe we should sit down and you can explain what happened,” Evan said, walking away from them and straight into the living room. He practically fell into a chair facing the couch and stretched out his right leg, slouching against the back of the chair and staring up at them.“Don’t I know you?” he asked Ben.
    “Ben Knight. I represented Chris—­”
    “Burg. You’re the fucking lawyer from the civil suit who tried to shake me down for all

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