
Free Corralled by Lorelei James

Book: Corralled by Lorelei James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorelei James
finished with her, she expected Hank would swoop in, lay her on her back, and fuck her face- to-face, as he always did.
    So Hank’s dropping his pants and commanding her to suck his cock had blown her expectations all to hell.
    The forceful way he’d inserted himself into the situation was sexier than his command that she get him off. He’d never acted so aggressive. Never demanded she swallow, since he’d never let himself come in her mouth. And his grip on her hair had been just shy of painful. Seeing that side of Hank was a real eye- opener— and a serious turn- on.

    Between the dual sensations of Hank’s cock tunneling in and out of her mouth as Kyle rhythmically fucked her, Lainie had spiraled into a place where she existed as a conduit for their pleasure.
    A different kind of pleasure, laced with feminine power.
    The buzzing rush became dreamlike when Hank fingered her to another orgasm. She hadn’t remembered much after that, beyond collapsing onto the bed.
    After showering, Lainie brushed her teeth and smoothed on lotion. Leaving her hair wrapped turban- style and a second bath towel tucked around her torso, she exited the bathroom in a cloud of steam. When she glanced up after digging through her suitcase, she noticed both Kyle and Hank were staring at her. Namely, staring at her ass. “What?”
    “Darlin’, it’s a damn good thing that suitcase ain’t any lower on the floor. Or you’d be givin’ us a real good show,” Hank said.
    “Not that we’d mind,” Kyle added with a grin.
    Her cell phone rang. Flustered, she answered without checking the caller ID. “Hello?”
    Ugh. “Hi, Mom.”
    “How are you?”
    Pissed off that you called Dusty. Pissed off that you insist on calling me Melanie. Just pissed off at you all around.
    Not a good way to start the conversation, let alone the day.
    “I’m okay. How are you?”
    “Oh, we’re fine.”
    If Lainie didn’t cut to the chase her mother would drone on about the fabulous weather or the twins’ latest exploits, or her stupid dog. “So, to what do I owe the honor of this call?”
    “I can’t call my own daughter to chat? To see how she’s doing?”
    “I’m sure Dusty told you exactly how I was doing when you called him.”

    Dramatic pause.
    Lainie paced, waiting for Queen Sharlene to deign to speak.
    “You’re upset.”
    “Damn right I’m upset.”
    “I don’t see why. I’m the one who put myself on the line with Dusty, getting him to see reason about you needing a vacation. You should know he refused to talk to me at first.”
    “Pity it didn’t stick.”
    Sharlene laughed. “I can be very persuasive. I know you think you’ve got Dusty wrapped around your little finger, Melanie, but the truth is, he’s manipulating you like always.”
    Lainie froze even as anger raced through her veins like liquid fire. “Since you brought it up, Mother, let me be perfectly clear: You were out of line calling Dusty. He had a right to refuse to talk to you and I have a right to be pissed.”
    “That man is slaving you, for slave wages. This part- time obsession is holding you back from starting a real career or having a real life.”
    “It’s my life, Mom. This obsession is making me happy.”
    “Are you sure? Because it’s not making me happy, Melanie Jay.
    You haven’t been home in nearly two years!”
    “The road runs both ways from Colorado Springs to Belmont.
    You could’ve come to see me.”
    “So I could spend my time in a hotel while you flit off to another rodeo? No, thank you. But since Dusty is giving you a threeweek vacation, you have no excuse not to come to California. There are some things we need to talk about. Now that our schedules—”
    “Look, I’m sick of pretending we haven’t seen each other just because our schedules don’t mesh. So don’t waste your breath. We have nothing to talk about, and I will not spend a single minute of my vacation time in

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