them. My job is to find out who’s filtering information to them on the payroll shipments.”
    She struggled to sit up. The fever must be making her delirious. “I don’t believe you.” But oh, how she wanted to believe him. Though he’d spoken sharply to her at times, she’d sensed it was for her welfare. She tried to focus on him, but his large form was wavy, fading in and out. “You’re not an outlaw?”
    He shook his head. He looked very tired, she realized. A dark beard coated his handsome face, making him seem more dangerously appealing. “I don’t expect you to take my word for it, but I’m not.”
    No, he wasn’t, she realized with a start. She’d known that in her heart from the moment they met. He wasn’t like the others.
    “I’m not an outlaw. A rebel at times, but not on the wrong side of the law.” He smiled, and Hope was reminded how sorely tempted she was to like him.
    Closing her eyes, she thanked God for placing her in Grunt’s hands. “I’m glad. I knew you were different.”
    A smile touched his eyes. “How could you tell? I’ve treated you badly. I hope you understand—”
    “It’s all right,” she whispered. “You were trying to protect me.”
    “Speaking of which—exactly whom am I protecting?”
    “My name is Hope Kallahan. I was traveling to Medford to meet my husband-to-be, John Jacobs, when the stage was attacked. Mr. Jacobs and I are to be married soon.”
    “You’re promised to this man?”
    Was there disappointment in his voice? Her heart soared, then plunged. Or did she only want to hear it? Nodding, she motioned toward the cup. He brought the water back to her lips, and she drank thirstily. She pushed the tin aside and met his gaze. “What do we do now?”
    “We wait here until you’re stronger, then we’ll move out under cover of darkness.”
    “And then?”
    “Then I’ll escort you to your fiancé in Medford, and I’ll return to Washington. My cover is blown; there’s nothing more I can do here. Until you’re better, I’ll sleep just outside the doorway. You’ll be safe, for now.”
    “I can’t ask you to bother with me.” He’d protected her these past weeks, kept her from certain harm. She couldn’t impose on his generosity any longer. “I’ve inconvenienced you quite enough. If you’ll be so kind as to see me to the next town, I’ll catch a stage.”
    “No. No stage.”
    “Why not?”
    “Because it isn’t safe. Big Joe is still in the area. He’ll be bent on taking you hostage again.”
    “But why? I’m worth nothing to him. I’m not Anne Ferry; they’ll get no ransom for me.”
    “You’re still of great benefit to these men, Hope. Trust me.”
    She pulled the blanket tighter around her. At the moment she had no choice but to trust him with her very life. “They’ll be after you too,” she murmured sleepily, feeling her strength drain. “And they’ll be angry that you took me away from them—furious, should they learn that you’re working for the government.”
    He shrugged. “Their anger doesn’t concern me as much as getting you safely to Medford. As far as I can tell, Medford’s still a good fifty miles away. A lot can happen in fifty miles.”
    Hope closed her eyes; fatigue was beginning to overtake her. Her mind refused to absorb what he was saying. An incredible peace came over her. Grunt was here, offering to help her. Could she trust him? Was he actually a government official, or was this just another cruel hoax? She sighed. Whether she believed him or not made little difference. God had seen fit to place her earthly life in this man’s hands. They were both in danger from Big Joe, Frog, and Boris. If only she could believe that God would deliver her . . .
    The absurd situation suddenly struck her funny, and she burst into laughter.
    Grunt glanced at her, frowning. “I’m glad to see that you still have your sense of humor—but what’s funny about our situation?”
    “You don’t know?”
    “No, I’m

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