Eternal Ride

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Book: Eternal Ride by Chelsea Camaron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Camaron
of us, and now I get to make the drive to be there to watch her wear a grown up sized cap and gown, once again walking across a stage for a rolled up piece of paper. Only when she smiles down at us this time, her grandmother won’t be there as her mother wasn’t there the first time. My chest tightens thinking of how things have changed over the years.
    Looking in the rearview mirror, I watch Axel as he plays some game on his tablet. What will it feel like the day he graduates? He is as much mine as he is Rex’s son. Speaking of which, things are good for us now. He understands why Tessie didn’t tell him and why I kept her secret, as well. Still, it is not my proudest moment, but I will always have Tessie’s back through anything.
    We have found a routine that works and have become a family unit of our own. Rex sees Axel when he is in town. We do stuff all together, and he keeps him on his own, as well. We spend important moments and holidays together so no one feels left out. That way, Axel truly gets everyone he is close to, all in one place.
    How will my brother-in-arms react to my son? Hell, how will he react to my fiancée? Ice knows I have an ol’ lady and a son, but we haven’t had time to catch each other up with all the details of the changes I have had.
    Pulling into the parking garage of the hotel we are staying at, I smile as I think about how good my life really is now. As I look beside me at Tessie’s beautiful face, I feel complete. No longer am I a lost man rambling through life with no purpose. I am now taking every breath to have more moments with her.
    Once we are unpacked, we go out to dinner downtown. This is a reminder of why I have zero desire to live in the city. Hell, I thought Charlotte was a pain in the ass to drive around when I make the commute to work. Home has nothing on South Beach.
    Tessie pokes around her plate. “Brooke and I get along on the phone, but meeting all of them at once… It’s overwhelming. Do you think they’ll like me?”
    “Baby, are you seriously asking me this?”
    “Yeah, Shooter. These guys are important to you. I want to make a good impression.”
    I smile at her. “You and Axel are more important. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of you. It doesn’t change a damn thing between us.”
    “I love you, Andy.” She looks at me before finally eating.
    “Love you, baby, for eternity.”
    “Enough with the mushy talk, you two. Young ears are here, ya know,” Axel pipes in.
    I reach over and ruffle his hair.
    My chest tightens looking at my woman and my son. It doesn’t get much better than this right here.

    “Ice!” I call out once I spot my brother-in-arms. We have just arrived and gotten out of the car with our graduation tickets. To need to have a ticket to enter into a high school graduation seems crazy, but I guess, with a school so large, they have to limit the guests in attendance.
    Both Ice and his daughter look over and then Brooke screams, “Uncle Shooter,” and takes off running at me.
    Ice comes over, holding the hand of a brunette woman I have never seen before. Another teen who looks related to the brunette follows closely behind. They must be his woman Morgan and her sister Madyson. Brooke has given me updates, but we have all been so busy that it wasn’t a complete catch up. Plus, love the girl, but she talks a lot. I can’t help getting lost in my own thoughts as I listen to the rambling teen.
    After Ice greets me in our usual man half-hug, back slap thing, I smile at the woman beside him.
    “Shooter, this is Morgan,” Ice officially introduces us.
    “Damn, never thought I’d see the day someone melted that permafrost around your heart. Congrats, asshole,” I joke while extending my hand to her.
    She gives my hand a quick, friendly shake before stepping back next to Ice. I give her a knowing smile. He has her trained already. Yes, no one touches what belongs

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