Can’t Hide My Love

Free Can’t Hide My Love by Sara York

Book: Can’t Hide My Love by Sara York Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara York
faster. Preston adjusted and reached for Alec’s cock, stroking him as he started moving his own hips. He bit down on Alec’s shoulder, eliciting a cry from Alec. They were getting down and dirty fast. Preston moved again, pressing Alec into the mattress as he rose up and started slamming his hips fast, driving his dick into Alec’s hot hole.
    “God, now!” Preston cried out.
    “Yes,” Alec yelled.
    The pulsing and gripping around his dick pushed him to a point he’d never been before. He wasn’t breathing, wasn’t thinking, all he could do was lay on top of Alec and just be. At some point, Alec pushed him off and he rolled to his back. Alec removed the condom on Preston’s dick and stood up. Preston wanted him to stay but couldn’t move to stop Alec from walking away.
    He sucked in air, trying to calm his racing heart and clear the fuzz from his brain. It was no use. The mattress shook and he flashed open his eyes. Alec was there, a smile wide on his face.
    “Did you like that?” Alec asked.
    “Oh man, that was nothing like anything I’ve ever experienced. What the hell? How come I didn’t know?”
    Alec laughed and slid his lips over Preston’s. “I’m glad you liked it.”
    “That was more than liking it. I have no words to describe how good that felt.”
    He pulled Alec to the mattress and wrapped his arms around him. They lay like that for a long while, just being comfortable in each other’s arms as they waited for morning. Being with Alec wasn’t at all what he thought it would be. He wasn’t just playing the field, he was feeling things he’d never experienced before and this was good. Maybe he could deal with being gay if he had Alec to hold him.

Chapter Seven
    They’d been together for two weeks, but neither one of them had said anything about coming out. Alec hoped that Preston would lose his fear, but he understood the need to keep their relationship quiet. On campus they didn’t see each other often, which helped keep their secret. That morning, when he’d stopped at his apartment for clothes, Alec figured since he’d been sleeping at Preston’s place most nights, he should move some of his stuff over. Maybe he should have brought it up the night before, but he didn’t think Preston would have too much of a problem with him having a shirt or two in the closet. They were close now, and he felt like Preston had come a long way. At least he no longer said he wasn’t gay when they were alone.
    It had to be weird for Preston. At times, he’d caught the man with an odd look on his face, almost like he didn’t believe they were together. Alec would give Preston credit, he was trying.
    When Alec arrived in his office he found an opportunity from the department head to help with an event the local high school students were having. He immediately thought of Preston and his player that needed extra credit. Without even thinking, he grabbed the letter and took it to class with him. If Danny were in his class today he would have just approached Danny directly, but it was Thursday and Danny’s classes with him were on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.
    After his last class for the day, Alec took off for the football field, hoping he could catch Preston. When he arrived at the field house the place was packed with students. He went straight to Preston’s office, knocking before entering.
    Preston was facing the other way but swiveled around, still looking at a piece of paper. “Come in.” Preston looked up and froze, his gaze darting to the open blinds on the window. “Shut the door.” Preston stood and moved to shut the blinds. “You can’t be here,” he grumbled, his whole body held stiff.
    Alec tried to remain calm and keep his cool. “You’re overreacting.”
    “Overreacting?” Preston threw his hands up in the air. “Are you kidding me? What if someone—”
    Alec held up his hand as he pulled out the letter. “For your student having issues with his grades. And I thought you

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