Westward Promises

Free Westward Promises by Zoe Matthews

Book: Westward Promises by Zoe Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoe Matthews
to each other?  Everyone wants a family and a place to belong.  Everyone wants someone to love them.  That’s the message I got from your letters.  It’s why I chose you.” 
    “I came because of my baby and because you promised to provide for us.  That is why I’m here,” Hannah stated firmly.   
    Chase opened his mouth as if to argue, but then closed it.  He looked hurt.  Hannah felt bad, but she also felt that she needed to be honest with him.   
    “I promise I will work hard.  I promise I will be a good wife.  But I cannot promise love.”   
    The story Hannah told about her parents saddened Chase.  He understood more about why she felt the way she did about love.  In her mind, love could not happen.  She was protecting herself from hurt and anguish.  They both sat around the table in silence for quite a while, each thinking their own thoughts.   
    Chase finally spoke.  “I think it’s important that you know what I am hoping for in this marriage.  It is also important that I know what you are expecting.  I don’t expect you to love me all at once, Hannah.  We hardly know each other.  But I think life will get better for both of us.  I am still glad you came and agreed to be my wife.” 
    Hannah looked down at the table.  “I don’t even know if I can love my unborn child,” she confessed.   
    Chase felt sad at her words, but he didn’t really believe them.  He felt disappointed that she didn’t believe in love and that she didn’t even want to try to see if love could develop between them.  However, he also knew that it could happen, and he was going to keep trying.  He decided to drop the subject for now.   
    “I found a little mare on the side of the road on my way home this evening.  If no one claims her, she will be yours.  You need to have a way to get to town and it will be easier with the buggy.” Chase remembered seeing marks on the horse, showing that she had been trained to pull a buggy or wagon.  “Have you ever driven a buggy before?”   
    Hannah shook her head.  “There was never a need in Texas, and Jack wouldn’t let me learn.” 
    “Well, I am going to insist on you learning.  I don’t want you isolated out here, and you need to be able to get to town to buy food and other things we might need.” 
    I suspect the mare has been abused.  Every little thing scares her and she has a lot of scars.  I doubt anyone will claim her.  Hopefully with love and attention she’ll do well for you.  She is gentle.” 
    “How will I learn?  Will Lucy teach me to drive a buggy?”   
    Chase felt a deep disappointment that it didn’t even occur to her that he would be the one to teach her.   
    “No, I will.  It’s easy to learn.” He looked straight at her.  He felt disappointed and hurt, although he was careful not to let it show in his voice.  He knew she got the message when she looked at him and then looked away, tears filling her eyes, which she blinked back quickly.   

Chapter 6
    The harsh wind woke Hannah.  It blew like a hurricane against the house as if trying to get in.  She poked her head out of the covers and felt the icy air against her face.  She wondered what time it was.  In the living room a clock chimed faintly, four dongs.  It was 4:00 in the morning.  She started to feel her usual morning queasiness and carefully rolled to her side.  She stared at the sleeping man beside her.   
    She did not understand Chase.  He was unlike any man she’d ever known.  She could make out his high forehead and tousled dark hair.  He had a power that clung to him even in sleep. 
    Why hadn’t some woman claimed him?  She had a hard time believing that no woman that had lived around here wanted him, unless there was something he was hiding, a part of him she hadn’t seen yet.   
    Last night at the kitchen table, she had a glimpse of his anger, but he kept it under control.  After their conversation, he had

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