
Free Morgan by Ashley Malkin

Book: Morgan by Ashley Malkin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Malkin
Tags: Romance
    Morgan turned her head away from Evan as he popped the button on his fatigues. “No, Morgan,” Ben said. “You need to see him change. It’s magical and beautiful. You don’t want to miss it. Ignore the nudity. He hasn’t got that much to show you anyway.”
    Morgan laughed as Evan tossed his fatigues at Ben’s head. He stood naked for only a second before shimmering lights surrounded him. She heard popping and crunching as the lights grew brighter. Then a huge mountain lion stood where Evan had been. It shook its head and padded slowly toward her.
    “It’s true,” Morgan gasped. “I can still see Evan in his eyes. He knows me, doesn’ t he? ”
    “We remain fully sentient when we change,” Ben said, moving to stand next to his brother. He held out his hand and beckoned Morgan to come closer. “We just share our form with the cat, carrying parts of each form into the other, but our minds are our own, always.”
    Her fingers twitched below the casts, she wanted to feel Evan’s coat so badly. She wanted to see if it was as soft and lustrous as it looked.
    “I wish I could touch you properly, Evan.” Morgan smiled as Evan’s cat form chuffed and rubbed his massive head against her abdomen. She stumbled back a step before Cameron wrapped her in his arms.
    “Softly, Evan,” Ben said. “She’s just a tiny thing.”
    “Am not,” Morgan said automatically. She’d been defending her less-than-average stature her entire life. But to be honest, Evan could look her in the eye as his cougar. She held up her arm and moved it from the top of her head to Evan’s.
    “I’m taller than Evan.” Then she let her inhibitions drop and gave in to the irresistible urge to touch the big cat. She carefully wrapped her arms around his thick neck and burrowed her face into his fur.
    “He’s purring,” she mumbled, as his rumbling purrs vibrated through her. He still smelled like Evan and she breathed him deeply into her lungs. The craving to roll around on him naked rushed through her again and her body responded instantly. Her nipples tightened into hard peaks as her pussy clenched with need. She was so pleased that they hadn’t been lying. She wanted the attraction between them to be real and it seemed as though it was.
    “Jesus, Morgan,” Cameron said, his arms tightening around her. “Do you have any idea how fucking delicious you smell right now?” His growl rumbled along her spine, sending shards of pleasure to her already excited pussy.
    “We’d better take her back to Bethany or I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself from claiming her,” Ben said. His voice was so garbled and rough that she had to look up and check that it was Ben who had actually spoken. What she saw startled her, but didn’t scare her.
    “Your eyes, they’re glowing, and they’re yellow now, not green.” She stepped away from Evan and touched a long white canine that was pushing into Ben’s lower lip. “What’s claiming?”
    Cameron picked her up with one arm and swept his other arm under her knees. His lips crashed down onto hers, his tongue demanding entrance between her lips. She opened for him and his tongue moved against hers as her body hummed from the thrill of her first kiss. He tasted wonderful, his distinct flavor one she’d never forget. His lips moved on hers as he moaned and sucked her tongue into his mouth. She repeated what he’d done, tangling her tongue with his, exploring his mouth, and swallowing his moans greedily.
    Warm lips pressed to her neck and she joined Cameron in moaning. Goose bumps rose where the lips pressed. The erotic pleasure of it surged straight to her nipples. It made them throb painfully.
    Cameron pulled slowly away, untangling their tongues and licking at her lips. “You taste even better than you smell, baby, and you smell divine.”
    Morgan went to ask what she smelled like but Ben turned her head toward him. His eyes were still shining brightly, but his canines had

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