Quinn I (Undaunted Men #1)

Free Quinn I (Undaunted Men #1) by J.C. Cliff

Book: Quinn I (Undaunted Men #1) by J.C. Cliff Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.C. Cliff
Tags: Romance, Military, Men, badass
off me,” I hissed between clenched teeth. All I could think about was getting Griffen help. “What did you do, Vince?”  
    A slow, evil grin spread across his lips, and I knew, without a doubt, he was indeed to blame. “What did you do to my horse?!” I yelled.  
    “I didn’t do anything, sweetheart,” he stated with mock offense. “It’s up to you as to whether or not your horse gets the proper care he needs to survive.”  

    “Lexi, wake up.” A deep voice fades in and out as I stir awake. My heart is pounding out of control, and as I open my eyes, I’m met with a dark, looming shadow hovering over me. Still half asleep, I think it's Vince; he's back. A loud, piercing scream fills the night air, and then it registers that the noise is coming from me. Between my screams, and Quinn shaking me, I've come to. I find I'm shaking like a leaf, my skin feeling cold and clammy.
    “Lexi, it’s okay. I’m here.” Quinn's voice still fades in and out as he tries to calm me down, but I seriously doubt he can take away the torment I’m in. I’m not sure anyone can fix my hellish nightmare. “God, Lexi, what the hell is going on?” Even though he’s gently shaking me, his hands are gripping my shoulders fiercely, his fingers digging into my skin. I swallow, but there is nothing there; my mouth is dry as a desert. All I can do is pant with heavy, agitated breaths.  
    Quinn gives up on getting me to speak and pulls me into his arms, encircling me in his strength as if he can protect me. I rest my head against his chest, his heart beating wildly, just like mine. I must’ve pulled him from a dead sleep and scared the shit out him.
    “I’m…I’m sorry, Quinn.”
    “Hush. There’s nothing to be sorry for. I’m glad I was here. I think you woke up the entire mountain side, though. No way in hell any bear would come within five miles of that kind of screaming.” By his tone, he's trying to make light of the situation, but I know he's unsettled, too.
    He pulls his upper body back, trying to look at me, but it’s too dark to see his full features. “You want to talk about this?” he softly asks. I shake my head. I’m so damn shaken up I don’t know what to do. All I know is that being in Quinn’s arms is the only place that feels good right now.
    “Slow, deep breaths, baby. You’re still hyperventilating,” his voice was unsettled and full of concern. I try my best to breathe in deep, measured breaths to calm my racing heart, but I can't. “Yeah, you’re not sleeping alone,” he affirms in conclusion, talking to himself. He starts to back away from me, but I cling to him, not willing to let him go; he's my life-line right now. “Hey,” he reassures me, “I’m not going anywhere, okay? Let me fix our sleeping bags so I can get us both comfortable, and then I’ll hold you. It’s cold out here.”
    I nod my head, and I’m not sure if he can see me agreeing with him, so I manage to rasp out, “Yeah, okay.” I reluctantly let him go, and instantly I'm keyed up all over again. I nervously twist my fingers into knots as I wait for him to hold me again. He unzips my bag, and then he gently takes me by the elbow, helping me scoot out of my warm cocoon.  
    I feel like a helpless, frightened five-year-old as I wait for Quinn to fix our bags. He’s right; it is cold outside of our sleeping bags. The midnight mountain air accosts my clammy skin, and I shiver, goose bumps erupting from head to toe. I don’t know how he’s seeing anything in this darkness, but he appears to be managing just fine. As I sit here on my knees, Kimber nudges me for attention, and I pull her into me.
    In the dim light I can see when he slips inside, and wedges himself against the far end of the sleeping bag. “Come here, Lexi,” he softly whispers. He holds open the side of the sleeping bag in invitation. I give Kimber a kiss on the top of her head, and then tuck myself in beside Quinn. Both the flannel material and his

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