The Darkslayer: Chaos at the Castle (Book 6)

Free The Darkslayer: Chaos at the Castle (Book 6) by Craig Halloran

Book: The Darkslayer: Chaos at the Castle (Book 6) by Craig Halloran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Craig Halloran
thick dwarven necks, you loon, Jubbler!”
    The Quarter Master sunk his blade in the nearest dwarf’s chest.
    “Hah! I’m a warrior, not a thief!”
    The other dwarf jabbed his spear at the orc ’s knees. The Quarter Master spun away, knocked the shaft aside, and stuck his other blade into the dwarf’s skull. The orc flashed them a nasty grin. “I’m gonna carve you both into troll food. Tiny little bits that are easy to swallow.”
    Lefty felt like he was going to vomit.  Jubbler was dragging him back, but the dock was running out of room.
    “I’ve a confession to make. Huh. Lefty. Huh. I can’t swim,” Jubbler said . The dwarf eyed the lake and the orc.
    “Everybody knows dwarves can’t swim. Don’t feel bad. I don’t think I can now either,” he said . He was wincing and holding his shoulder. He could maybe run if he had to. Dash right past the Quarter Master. He couldn’t leave Jubbler though. But he needed to find Erin.
    What to do!
    The orc wrenched his dripping blade from the fallen dwarf’s skull.
    “I’m going to enjoy this !”
    Can life get any worse in this world? I’ve failed at everything!
    “Tis a shame, Lefty. Huh. We have this thing won! Huh. Huh. Palos’s rule is over!” Jubbler said. He shuffled back another step. Only a few feet of planks left between them and the water. “Tell you what. Huh. I’ll fight. Huh. You run. Huh. Tell them I need help. Huh. They’ll run this pile of pig slat through. Huh.”
    “Bravery, the blood -letter of fools,” the orc said. The Quarter Master was within striking distance.
    Ju bbler stopped, stood up and wrapped both hands around his sword.
    “Nice knowing you , Lefty. Huh. And remember. Huh. Master Gillem would be proud. Just make sure you master those absidium chains.” He raised his sword. “My hide and skull much thicker than my brother’s, Orc!”
    The Quarter Master bang ed his steel together. “We’ll see about that!”
    Lefty’s heart sank. He didn’t have many friends left. The last one he’d lost, Gillem, he wasn’t close to getting over yet. Something swelled inside his chest. With his magic feet, he might be able to run right past the orc and find safety. After all, he had to find Erin. But the thought of another friend dying tore at him.
    The orc swung.
    Jubbler parried.
    Jubbler’s sword skidded over the deck and plopped into the waters.
    “Run , Lefty!” the dwarf said.
    Fight or die!
    On magic feet he charged. “NOOOOOOOOO!” He slammed into the Quarter Master’s chest, barreling him over.
    “What!” the orc cried out.
    Lefty kicked. It was all he could do. His shoulder was useless.
    Jubbler did the same.
    A steel pommel hit Lefty in the head. Blood oozed over his eyes.
    Jubbler fell face first onto the deck.
    The Quarter Master gathered his feet under him and stood over them.
    “Nice try, little people.” He snorted and licked his lips. “But now it’s time to die. Mmmm. I’m going to be eating good tonight.” He raised his swords over his head.
    Exhausted, Lefty couldn’t move an inch. Beside him, Jubbler lay face first on the deck. Out cold. Lefty spit blood. He’d fought with all he had in him.
    It was the right thing to do. Save a friend a little longer. It had to be. Fight or Die.
    He closed his eyes.
    I’m sorry, Kam and Erin.
    “I am Zorth!”
    Lefty’s weary eyes snapped open.
    Thorn’s face and haggard figure quickly approached, wielding a gleaming sword as long as a man in his hands.
    “Vanquisher of Giants ! Dragons and Evil Doers!”
    “What! Thorn!”
    The Quarter Master roared and charged.
    “You’ ll not be robbing me of my—”
    Thorn swung through the big orc, shattering his blades with one stroke. Blood spilled from the slit in his waist. The orc gawped.  The great sword sung again, ripping the head from his shoulders. It bounced off the deck and splashed into the waters.
    “I am Zorth! The end of all evil is at

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