Morning Star: Book III of the Red Rising Trilogy
    HerworldisalientothehorrorsIknow.Allthechildseesislove.Herskinispaleandsoftagainst mine.She’smadeofcloudsandIofstone.Hereyeslargeandbrightlikehermother ’s.Herdemeanor and thin lips like Kieran’s. Were this another life, she might have been my child with Eo. My wife wouldhavelaughedtothinkitwouldbemybrotherandhersistertogetherintheendandnotus.We werealittlestormthatcouldn’tlast.ButmaybeDioandKieranwill.
    Longafterthelightshavedimmedthroughoutthecomplextoeasetheburdensonthegenerators,Isit with my uncle and brother around the table in the back of the room, listening to Kieran tell me his newdutieslearningfromOrangeshowtoserviceripWingsandshuttles.Diowenttobedlongago,
    butsheleftmethebaby,whonowsleepsinmyarms,shiftinghereandthereasherdreamstakeher wherevertheymay.
    Watershowers.Nomoreflushes!There’salakeaboveus,theysay.Bloodydamndazzlingstuff,the showers.Childrenloveit.”Hewatcheshischildreninthelowlight.Twotoabed,shiftingquietlyas they sleep. “What’s hard is not knowing what’ll be for them. Will they ever mine? Work in the webbery?Ialwaysthoughttheywould.ThatIwaspassingsomethingdown,amission,acraft.You
    “There’s nothin’ to that now that you got eyes,” Uncle Narol says. “It’s a hollow life when you knowyou’rebeingsteppedon.”
    I just want my children to have more than this, brother.” He stares at me intensely and I remember how my mother asked me what comes after revolution. What world are we making? It was what Mustangasked.SomethingEoneverconsidered.“Theyhavetohavemorethanthis.AndIloveAres
    “Idon’tknowifheknowswhatcomesnext.That’swhyI’mgladyou’reback,littlebrother.Iknow you’vegotaplan.Iknowyoucansaveus.”
    “Of course I’ve a plan,” I say, because I know it’s what he needs to hear. But as my brother contentedlyrefillshismug,myunclecatchesmyeyeandIknowheseesthroughthelieandweboth feelthedarknesspressingin.

    It’s early morning as I sip coffee and eat a bowl of grain cereal my mother fetched me from the commissary.I’mnotyetreadyforcrowds.KieranandLeannahavealreadygonetowork,soIsitwith DioandMotherasthechildrendressforschool.It’sagoodsign.Youknowapeoplehavegivenup whentheystopteachingtheirchildren.Ifinishmycoffee.Motherpoursmemore.
    “It is the real thing,” Dio says. “There’s this pirate who sends us hijacked goods. Coffee’s from Earth,Ithink.Jamaca,theysaid.”
    “Remember,Deannatoldustoknock,” saysathunderousvoice.
    door for Sevro. He bursts through, scooping her up. She shrieks with joy. He’s in his undersuit, a black sweat-wicking fabric that soldiers wear under pulse armor. Sweat rings stain the armpits. His eyes dance as he sees me, and he tosses Ella roughly onto a bed and charges toward me, arms outstretched. A weird laugh escapes his chest, hatchet face split with a jagged grin. His hair a dirty, sweat-soakedMohawk.
    “Reap!”Heslamsintome,spinningmychairsideways,clackingmyteethtogether,ashehalflifts me out of the chair,

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